
New Rig Spec review

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So Its near crunch time, I'm near to taking the plunge for my brand new gear.

Main discipline - freefly / 3D

Container : Mirage G4 Vs Voodoo Vs Micron
options : chest and hip rings,hackey, b-12 snaps, maybe the stainless option

Main Canopy - Crossfire 2 139 vs cobalt 135

Reserve canopy - Smart 150

AAD - Cypress 2

My biggest angst at the mo is which container, they all seem fine but are there any definitive plus or minus points of these rigs compared to each other. I'm shading towards the Mirage just because .... dont know really

I've also demo'ed both mains - both have slighly weird openings but fly great.

So I'd like some specific comparison points on the above equipment as opposed to I love my X .

At the end of the day any combo of the above will prolly feel great but I'd like to believe I did all the research I needed prior to forking ova da cash

Speak up dudesB|

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Is there a specific reason you want the B12 snaps? And you do realize they don't come in stainless so its kinda an odd look to have everything else stainless and those not.

Also I think the Micron does not offer chest rings so you need to decide if those are important or not.
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schweet ...

The micron is outta the running. Yes I want the B12's. I did my first 50 jumps on static line/freefall rounds and they had the b12's. I liked their convenience even if it adds a little to the gear check.

If the B12s are sans stainless than the stainless is out too.

Thanks for the input.

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schweet ...

The micron is outta the running. Yes I want the B12's. I did my first 50 jumps on static line/freefall rounds and they had the b12's. I liked their convenience even if it adds a little to the gear check.

If the B12s are sans stainless than the stainless is out too.

Thanks for the input.

The Micron does not offer the chest rings because the yoke in cut in the way that chest rings are simply not needed. Also, only Micron comes with Sky-hook (if you care about one). Just my $0.02 ;)

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You can get a fully articulated Voodoo at no extra charge...with G4, it's 300$.
On the other hand the Smart 150 might not fit into a Voodoo sized for a Cobalt 135 - check the container sizes on RI webpage and the pack volumes of the canopies you want.
Other than that, I think you'll be very satisfied no matter which of the two you get.

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You can get a fully articulated Voodoo at no extra charge...with G4, it's 300$.

yeah but the base price for voodoo is bigger than for mirage g4. if you add unisyn (chest and hip rings) to mirage g4 then you have about the same price...

my opinion is that all those 3 container are all as safe as it gets (excluding some exceptions). so it's only your personal opinion which one do you find nicer, more comfortable and reasonable to buy because of the price...

I have a mirage g4, and still searching for something that i wouldn't like at it. but i haven't fount a thing yet. it's ... perfect ;) but then again you have to pay "a little" for that perfectness :)
"George just lucky i guess!"

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one key point I'd like to know is the shoulder straps on the harness's, how far in are they on the voodoo vs the mirage G4

I want them to hug my neck at the shoulders

i.e. sometimes on a head down jump I have to pull my arms and legs in for a spell, I dont want the straps slipping down my arms but staying firmly on my shoulders.

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Thats all depending on how tight your chest strap is. Even the tightest yoke can move of its not fastened tight on the chest strap.

Not entirely, notice the mirage shoulder straps almost mould around the back of the neck to get over the shoulders. This definitely helps keep it secure on the shoulders without having to pull the chest strap to a width of 4 inches

I've been bombing along Headdown to catch/stay with fast guys and noticed the shoulder straps slide off my shoulders(sometimes to my elbows and I think ohh ohh premature deployment and I'll be spit outta here like a melon seed and had to cut out of the dive

Here's an snippet from another current thread

Speaking from experience, we need to make sure our gear is ready for freeflying. Not only does your gear need to be secure enough to handle the faster speeds and different angles of wind but it also needs to fit your body.
I had a premature opening while I was head down which resulted in the harness actually coming off my shoulders. For a brief second I thought I would be falling to the ground without any gear. My cheststrap stayed intact however, it was damaged and some stitches did break. Luckily my canopy didn't sustain damage and wasn't spinning so I could wiggle back into the harness. I came very close to dying from the internal injuries that I sustained from the very hard awkward opening. After recovering I bought a new container that has more freefly friendly options and is custom made for my body.

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Well i can tell for mirage g4.
If it's made for you (your measurements), and you can tell them, when ordering, whether you like your rig tight, loose or medium, and it's tighten properly (chest strap should be tight that much, so that shoulder straps are parallel) it won't slip of your shoulders.
well at least mine doesnt. i haven't tried jumping with a little loose chest strap and don't intend to because it's as comfortable as it gets. and the shoulder straps are just as wide apart as my neck is wide.
"George just lucky i guess!"

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