
audio help

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I have put this thread in the bonfire as well.
I will delete it if i get answers from here though. I am not sure what forum is the best to ask this. Sorry.

Here is the situation.

I have hooked up my big screen tv to my computer and it is in a different room.
I am running a VGA monitor lead to it. It is not the best quality in my opinion but i have the DVI lead running to my monitor for my computer. (any advice hear would be greatly appreciated as well).

The TV is a 46x series bravia.

Now, with the audio.... I have a 3.5mm lead to run to my big screen to plug into the 3.5mm pc input on the big screen.

Imagine my desktop is just one big desktop, the right hand side is on my computer monito and the left hand side extension is displaying on my big screen in the other room.

Ok, so this means movies can be watched on my big screen from my computer while i am working on my computer with the computer monitor.

How do i make it so that i can split the sound??

I would like it so that while the video is displaying on the big screen in the other room and playing the sound to the video that my computer speakers to not have to have the same sound and instead can have different sound such as skype or applications starting up etc. (windows noises). I also would like it so that these sounds are not heard on the bigscreen watching the movie.

Is this possible?

If so, please help me configure this as i am having a hell of a time.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Some options:
Set an output on a 5.1 output to each of the two areas, and then mix in your Windows audio mixer to which ever set you want.
Outside of that, you'd need to purchase an audio splitter, or bigger/more capable multiple channel sound card such as one of the M-Audio or Echo cards.

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with the right sound card, he can route whatever sounds to wherever he wants. Skype could be configured to one output, movie to another, Windows to yet another (although i don't know if Skype can be separate from Windows, because they share the same library and prolly don't have drivers to support channeled outs), but...
if you want surround sound AND separated audio outs...
ferget it. Ain't gonna happen, even with a Rosetta.

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One day computers will do exactly what you want them too.

I want dual displays but each showing a different desktop and both in different rooms.

However i can live with the second display being just an extension.

What i really want out of this thread though is so i can watch movies on my extended desktop display (big screen) while at the same time be able to surf the net, watch youtube, use skype etc without it interferring with the bigscreen speakers and only using the desktop speakers.

I have just now got a skype phone so that eliminates that problem but if i am watching youtube or clips online etc the sound still goes through the computer speakers AS WELL as the bigscreen. I would like to seperate those sounds but i am finding it is not possible?

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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With the new screen, the ps3 and the sony home theater, cheap is not an option anymore. lol

The new house is coming along nicely.

The skype is the easy solution. I have a usb phone for it and the phone rings, the phone speakers work and mic at the same time as the VLC player going through the big screen with zero interference.

IS there a way i can have two desktops on one computer and just switch from desktop to desktop etc on the one screen.

That and being able to edit on one desktop while my partner watches a movie on the big screen and having seperate audio is my big goal.

Right now the big screen works as my extension. I throw a movie to the extension and put it in full screen leaving my computer monitor as my normal desktop without being able to see the movie.

I will look into what you have told me about as it would be good if i did not have to turn the computer speakers off because a movie is on the bigscreen.

different audio for each screen is what i must achieve. There has to be a way.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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DSE- I am now having a bigger problem.

I am sure it is easy and just something i am missing.

Since i have started running this cable to my big screen.....

When i watch a film it is very dark. as seen in first photo.

Then i go to settings and click on display. I then change the colour quality (32bit (highest)) to 16 bit (medium).

It asks me " your desktop has been reconfigured. Do you want to keep these settings?"

Seeing the video is still dark i click on NO.

It then reverts back to the original settings.

When it reverts back to the original settings i am left with perfect video as seen in photo 2.

However, When i close VLC player and then start it up again it is back to the same quality as photo 1.

I am sure it is something simple but i would like it so everytime i open up the vlc player that the quality is that of photo 2 as i am use to that and it is not too dark too watch.

I really appreciate everything you have helped me with and nearly have the set up of my dreams thanks to alot of your advice as well as phrees and a few others over the past year.


.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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As my mac is out of commission, do you know of a 'desktop remote control' that can control my VLC player?

So I can have films on the big screen but control the VLC player from my desktop without having to always send it back to the desktop. When i do that it just continues to black out.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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The answer to me sounds like having a second computer for your living room. Pick up a laptop that is compatible with mythTV (and powerfull enough to decode HD) and use that in your living room. You can set up a backend and have the laptop pull data from your main computer.
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I think I have done more or less what you are describing with a few minor differences.

My display adapters (I have 2 Nvidia 7600 GT cards installed with dual DVI output per card installed my desktop and currently run three displays.)

But I have run a fourth display (a projection HDTV) using a component output dongle attached to one of my video cards.

the built in audio card on my PC has both analog surround sound outputs (which I use for the computer room outputs) as well as Optical and Coax Digital outputs which I was able attach to my home theater system.

Now when I watched TV in the other room I believe the audio played both on the computer system and in the other room but I'm not sure about the cabability to broadcast independant audio to each room... I may have to explore that.

Another option you might consider if you are merely interested in watching videos/playing music on your television is to get a stand alone media player that will work over a wireless or wired LAN (such as the Dlink DSM-520, or DSM-750 both of which are HD capable. http://www.dlink.com/products/category.asp?cid=127&sec=0)
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