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what up fellow Dz headz,

i just wanted to know something. i got into an accident (car) i got rear-ended pretty hard. the guy prolly hit me at 40-50 mph. my entire body is aching from this accdient. my lawyer gave me a chiropractor to go too but the thing is the therapy that their giving me is only 5-10 mins a day. who knows how long this aching will take but, IM FEEEEENIN for a skydive.

im thinkin about continueing on wit AFF but, im sure if it's healthy for me to jump. is it or not?

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I think you need a medical opinion rather than a skydiving opinion to answer this.:)Maybe you can discuss with your chiropracter the possibility of speeding up your recovery by extending the sessions a bit longer, if that would help.
Also mention to your chiropracter that the opening 'shock' of a deploying canopy is around 4 G's exerted verticaly on the spine, and potentialy more if its a hard opening or a reserve deployment, aswell as the possibility of minor impacts from clumsy landings.

Once your medical advisors are more aware of the physical strains on the body during a skydive, they can better advise you relative to your current condition.

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Not only that, bu while your body is just aching now, what if the injury turns out to be more serious and you wanna take legal action? If you just did a skydive right after the accident, you will most likley lose the case. Of course if they turn out to be serious enough to warrant legal action, you would probably be barred from skydiving as well. As stated above, talk to the medical professionals.

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"Feelin' a skydive huh? How about a hypothetical situation. Lets say you go and have a great time,jump your ass off. Then the lawyer, who may or may not be your typical ambulance chaser-files a peronal injury case against the other driver and his insurance company. Then when it goes to court and you've told the jury about the pain and suffering you have undergone and just when you can smell cash, a savy private investigator gets a video of you at the drop zone. Your case is dismissed, then you get charged with insurance fraud. If you're lucky you get put on Maury's show. Dude,get a grip on yourself OK. See a real doctor if you are hurt and if you are hurt don't jump.
Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL

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my lawyer gave me a chiropractor

And that my friends is just about the scariest 6-word sentence in the english language.


i saw the "real" doctor. he pretty much told me...

Very glad to hear it. "chiropractor" != "real doctor" Personal experience and personal opinion only. But lots of it.

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