
How would you make a Panasonic DV fly safe?

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I just used schumacher mounts for them.

That's what I plan on doing. I only worry about tape flutter, hence the cutting edge idea of Saran Wrap.

Man, I really want to post a smart assed remark here about toilet seat pranks.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I just used schumacher mounts for them.

That's what I plan on doing. I only worry about tape flutter, hence the cutting edge idea of Saran Wrap.

Man, I really want to post a smart assed remark here about toilet seat pranks.

Yeah, if the Saran on the camera doesn't work, I'll have a full roll for the stalls. Should be fun either way.;)

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The only other thing I have to say is that, if you make it that long, after you know a couple people or even worse see a couple of your friends die skydiving, you will be just as bitter about new people making bad decisions as everyone else here is. Oh and don't think people here are happy about telling you that you shouldn't be jumping camera.

Man you should have seen how mad one of my coach students was. He went out bought a whole bullet cam system and "mounted" it to a helmet. He thought it was the coolest thing in the world. Then I made him put his helmet away and go get a protec. He protested, "I know what I'm doing don't worry about me." Didn't change anything though.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Man, I really want to post a smart assed remark here about toilet seat pranks.

Yeah, if the Saran on the camera doesn't work, I'll have a full roll for the stalls. Should be fun either way.;)

Well, here's the thing . . .

Fortunately you -are- covered by the Saran Wrap™ of the internet to protect you from people pissing on your early attempts at camera flying.

You kind of got off on the wrong footing here and well, we all know what happens when you back somebody into a corner; they start getting defensive. Perfectly understandable.

Now, there's really no way that any of us can make you do anything in regards to your jumping camera before what has been recommended by numerous people and the USPA. All anyone here has really tried to do is point out the recommendations to you and all I'm going to do agree with them on that point.

At least you asked about trying to figure out the safe way of going about it. I'll give ya some credit for that one.

So far everyone has talked about the safety aspects, which I've already stated that I agree with, but I want to write just a little bit about something else; learning to skydive (or anything for that matter).

My guess is that you've got somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 skydives; am I correct?

100 skydives is actually about, well, 100 more than 99% of the population of the entire planet has so that's certainly not nothing.

Ultimately the number 200 is a recommendation based on averages. There are some people I know with more than twice that number I probably wouldn't recommend jumping camera and on the flip side there are maybe a few with a couple jumps less that probably won't kill themselves (people like the Rats working in the Wind Tunnel with a TON of body control). In the absence of actually -knowing- somebody we're going to quote the number, because it works out to be just about right.

But here's my point, it's not really about the hard number, it's about overall competency and not JUST competency in body flight, but also emergency procedures and canopy control.

Again, I'm not going to say you're going to kill yourself because you have 199 jumps rather than 200, but be -honest- when you're assessing your own abilities without the camera.

With the kind of jumping you're planning on doing can you;

Fly to any point in the type of formation you're planning to jump camera on and hold it steady with no real question of drifting left, right, forward, back, up or down?

Have you ever gone "low"? Lost altitude awareness?

Have you ever landed "out" on purpose? Have you ever landed "out" due to your own bad spotting?

If I asked you to perform a few stand up landings for me, could you do it? What if the wind was blowing downwind a little? Could you land and stop right in front of me?

The reasons I ask questions like this is, well, these are all things that you're going to have to deal with over the course of time; maybe not tomorrow, but who knows? Maybe the first time you jump camera you get a crappy spot. You'll have to land off and you'll have an extra 5 or so pounds on top of your head. Maybe you can't really see what the wind is doing all that well and have to land down wind.

Be HONEST with yourself. How's that gonna go?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I just got the camera mount in the mail. I'll probably start mocking it up this week, then go to my dropzone and have the owner tell me I can't jump it...haha For the most part though, I won't be relative enough to get any great footage, so why bother. It shouldn't be very long before I'm at 200 jumps and appreciate everyones opinion on this topic.

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Most has been said already, but:

1) 200 jumps is an 100% increase of 100 jumps. And I still think 200 jumps is too little anyway.

2) Why jump camera if you know you can't video anything because you have no flying skills?
The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

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You have been gave good advise ,just accept it . So take your chances since you sound as though your gonna do it anyways! Just remember you been warned! :)

A friend will bail you out of jail , a REAL friend will be sitting next to you in the cell slapping your hand saying "DUDE THAT WAS AWSUM " ................

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Hey Kynan, I can't believe you're still alive and have over 600 jumps! Dude, I was sure that you would have died, due to the fact that you started flying a CAMERA on jump 100, instead of jump 200!!

Hey man, I was also going to tell you that maybe you shouldn't be freeflying until you get 1000 jumps. Seriously dude, lets go turn some points in the "deployment position" :D

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Jumps : 84
License: Student
In sport: 1 years


so any ideas on how to cover it?

Yep, in your camera bag left on the ground.;)

Just curious why you would have 600+ on your profile?.....Is this you r own perceived level of experience? Obviously nothing said here is going to change your mind.......

So ill be checkin the incident forum for info on your future jumps:S
.....And you thought Kiwis couldn't fly!!!!

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This is an old thread regurged by one of Kynan1's friends, mostly to point out that Kynan didn't die, and he apparently has 600 camera jumps in one year based on the current profile numbers. I'd imagine this is possible on a very busy DZ.
I know one tandem master/AFFI/camera guy whose numbers jumped from 1300 to 3000 in less than a year.
If this is the case, Kynan is likely very current, probably very safe, and didn't fit the oft-thought of statistic of being dangerous at sub 100 jumps.
Other side of that being only last week I saw a guy flying a camera with low jump numbers, and he was so intent on landing while shooting someone landing next to him, he hit someone who had already landed, giving them both a lot of bruises and embarassment, plus a talking to by a well-known S&TA. I didn't see him wearing the camera helmet again that weekend.
Hey Kynan, if you're out there, let everyone know how you're doing...

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haha, I somehow stumbled back on this thread, looking up my "what filter is best in the sun" thread.
It's funny to hear myself talk then, as opposed to now. I still feel similar, but the saran wrap...bwhahaha, what a noob! Not like I don't much to learn in skydiving still, but man.;)
I think it comes down to the individual. I will say, you have more air awareness at 200 jumps, then 50 jumps, but if you feel comfortable flying camera...that's all that matters in the end.
The footage you get at 100 jumps is garbage, compared to 500 jumps, but at 1500 jumps, the footage I get now...will be crap, so it's all relative.

*A buddy of mine has @80 jumps and is flying a camera. Flies ok for that number of jumps, but nobody is flying well enough to get all relative footage at that point. However, the footage you get then, you're psyched on. This sport is about fun, saftey, but who's to say what is/isn't right for each person. Some people have 500 jumps and I fear for my life if I'm under canopy with them.B|
Saran Wrap Guy

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