
bite switch

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Just curious. Do the bite switches need to be changed every 100 jumps or so. I have to send mine back as it no longer works. I have been told this is a common problem. fortunately, skydance photography are replacing the switch for nothing

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I don't know that there is a "set" number of jumps that you have to replace it. But I don't know anyone that has had one for more than a couple of hundred jumps that hasn't had to replace (or repair) one. I jump a tongue switch (about 350 on the switch) and have not had a problem.


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I may change to a blow switch. Skydance replaced the switch free of charge excellent customer service. They said it was probably due to biting down too hard

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The bite switch that I ordered from Para-Gear lasted about 20 jumps. It worked flawless for the first 15, then I tasted that electricity taste for a couple jumps. Upon closer inspection, it was oozing this brown foamy stuff and was punctured all over.

Not impressed. Cost me about $40... I made a homemade tongue switch that is working great since, cost about $2.
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If its a Conceptus switch, they replace them if you talk to them and send it back.

Exactly what is happening. And they sent it to me first so i have one for this week-end. Now thats customer service for you:)

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I don't know anyone that has had one for more than a couple of hundred jumps that hasn't had to replace (or repair) one.


It seems to vary quite a bit. My first switch, which I purchased in 2001 from Conceptus and am still using, has been used on over 3500 camera jumps with no problems. I bought a second switch from Conceptus a few months ago for my Digital SLR, and it lasted me about five jumps, so needless to say, there's no set number of jumps to count on. Either way, it's always a good idea to have a spare one in your jumpsuit.

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spare bite switch along with a spare batter. Camera guys/girls don't need weight vests we come equipped...lol

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I bought an expensive switch as well, a bite one, but had to stop using it. It was a bit long and went too far into my mouth, so I always gagged on it in freefall.... So I built myself a tounge switch, and it is very easy to do (even a girliegirl like me can do it).
Just went to a electrical supplies shop and get a plug to fit your camera, a bit of wire, and any little buttony sortof thing. Solder the bits up and start shooting. I gluegunned the switchbit up a bit to have something to bite on, and just put little waterballoons over to avoid spit getting in there and ruining it. I made myself 5 of them to have spares, but the first one has lasted me over 500 jumps.
Good luck and happy jumping!

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I did the same thing. I never even covered it with anything except a little gaffer's tape to give me something to hold between my teeth. It had almost 600 jumps and was still going strong when I lost my helmet. I have been given a prefab bite switch to replace it but will probably build another radio shack unit again.

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If anyone is interested in some of these, they are working excellent and if the demand is there, I can make a couple and send them out.

The problem with that crappy $40 bite switch is that when it broke in a couple jumps, I was sitting there looking at 12 tandem photo jumps that I had to do that day, and return/replacement would be about 4-5 days at best to Hawaii.

It would be easier if they made them work better in the first place.

If anyone is interested, PM and I'll send two out for $15 and $5 in shipping.
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