
video editing

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Everything depends on what you want to do and how much you're willing to spend.

There are systems out there that don't require rendering at all for most simple effects.

If all you're doing is making skydiving videos, it might be worth waiting a few minutes for a title or something to render. If you're working for a major company and billing out hours at hundreds per hour, then it's worth the investment to be able to work in a renderless environment.

Anyway, the basic answer to your question is spend some more cash for faster hardware and software.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I do all the editing for a dropzone on a Powermac G4 with imovie which if it renders does it really quick. But I have a Dell and have been running Vegas because imovie is only for imacs. I would like to know what i have to put in my computer to make the rendering of the finished product go quicker. Do I need more memory, a better graphics card, or what.

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AFAIK, most of the rendering process is done by CPU, so a faster one will help. Obviously, the video frames have to be loaded into memory, so more memory will help - this also minimizes the amount of swapping that your OS does. Finally video must be read and written to disk, so a RAID-0 configuration will also help speed it up.

So, I'd say the most important things you can invest on, are:

1st. CPU
2nd. RAM


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AFAIK, most of the rendering process is done by CPU, so a faster one will help.

True and not true. Depends on the program and what it's trying to do.

Some (most?) graphics programs such as After Effects or Motion make heavy use of the video card.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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AFAIK, most of the rendering process is done by CPU, so a faster one will help.

True and not true. Depends on the program and what it's trying to do.

Some (most?) graphics programs such as After Effects or Motion make heavy use of the video card.

Correct, purchase a video card that is capable of doing the rendering I have a ATI Radeon 9600xt which does the job really well. Mind you this can be more exspensive then a CPU.
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Vegas 4 primarily uses the CPU to do the rendering. Faster is better with Vegas. Adobe premiere does have render cards that can be purchased which speed up the rendering quite a bit. Vegas did not have the integration with the hardware. The idea was with Vegas 5 they would add this support but I am not sure if they have.

For now faster processor and if possible a second processor. The AMD 64 works really well for video rendering with Vegas.

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