
using zoom??

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When using a wide angle lens, is there any benefit from using the zoom on your camcorder for different types of skydive?

For instance if you were using a very wide angle lens set for 1 on 1 close up filming, then wanted to use the same lens set up for an 8 way freefly jump, would zooming in a little help to capture better features??

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Zooming in just a tad works o.k., however moving it up alot tends to deteriorate the image quality and stability. Depends on who much is your 'little' is.



When using Diamond 0.3 or Platinum 0.2 wide angle lens - on my SONY HC 40 - if I zoom more than 1/84 of the way from full-wide, the image goes out of focus. So I just gaffer's taped the zoom switch at full-wide.
If I wanted to do more serious zooming at scenery, etc. I would have to remove the wide angle lens.

On the other hand, the .45 lens on my old-school (900 series SONY Hi 8) allows me to zoom at will.

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If you can only have one wideangle, this is why I recommend the Diamond .3. You can zoom it to about a .6, but with a nice wide angle of view. Once past that it blurs out, which is the nature of a single element lens.

But, we really over use wideangles in skydiving. They are good for some stuff, but for lots of small way freeflying, you are better off without one at all.

For the folks coming to the Eloy Holiday Boogie, there will be lots of great seminars from the biggest names in skydive video/photo. One of them, Greg Gasson, does not use a wideangle at all, but moves further back, which puts much more motion into the background.

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For the folks coming to the Eloy Holiday Boogie, there will be lots of great seminars from the biggest names in skydive video/photo. One of them, Greg Gasson

Why, oh why did I give up my Christmas days off to be able to train with my 4-way team all year long?!! [:/]


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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