
What are conversion lenses?

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Guys and girls what are conversion lenses? For a mini DV camcorder (specifically my PC-9) I did a search of this forum and couldn't find the answer..

I was looking through the B&H catalog and the conversion lenses are considerably cheaper than most lenses on the market.. Is there some type of blackening that occurs when using these lenses andn do you have to zoom in or what? What is the catch because they have a couple of .3's for like $40 in their catalog that I just recieved, maybe they are just cheap off brands?.. Any advice..

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All of the lensese you see at BH photo for a Sony cam-corder are conversion lenses.

The lens on a Sony camcorder is fixed - you can't remove it. Compare this to a SLR camera, which has a removable lens.

If you want to add a wide-angle lens to an SLR, you remove the lens and replace it with a wider one.

If you want to add a lens to your sony camcorder, you add the lens in addition to built-in one.

This is what defines a conversion lens - one that you attach in addition to the built-in lens.

Why are some cheaper then others? Presumably, they're cheaper in quality in addition to price.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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