
READ THIS -safety-never thought of this one!

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I just had the strangest thing happen. On opening I had a bit of a side-to-side opending and it went into linetwist. My right hand was stuck and couldn't figure out why. My head was tilted down and to the right and then I figured out my swoop cord was stuck on something. I kicked out of line twist with one hand, then got my hook knife out from my left leg pouch (I've always had one on each side in case I can't get to one-this is why) and cut my swoop cord. Then everything was normal. What had happened is I have very small bolts sticking out of my platform for other cameras. They are there for when a plate slides under then bolts into place. Well, the bolt went through the swoop cord in the middle of the bad opening. You can see on the photo. That is the top right of my plate. It didn't snag going from the side and up, or with tension one way that needs loosened before it can be freed. It poked a hole in the swoop cord, and all of the threads grabbed and wouldn't come free. The spectre not spinning up with line twist was the biggest help of all. I finally see why I've use them for the last 5000 jumps!!!! This shows ANY scenario is possible and lines don't only grab ringsights, many other things can happen. -Tony
My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

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I have admired your work for a long time. thanks for taking the time to post to this group. I have the same type of swoop cords. you made me more aware of potential snag hazards. I switched from the small loop half hitched around itself, because one time stowing my slider one cord half-hitched the other cord effectively handcuffing my swoop cords together. a one in a million chance but it happened. I was lucky enough to have altitude to fix the problem and now part of my sequence after opening is to tuck my swoop cords in my sleeve.
thanks again for the post and picture.
this is why you are world class.
The ground always, remembers where you are!

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