
Getting back in

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I have been out of the sport for almost 6 years and have been spending the last month or so getting current again. I have over three hundred camera jumps. But when I stopped, digital cameras where just coming on the scene. Looking for any and all opinions about cameras and helmets. I have pretty much decided to go with a FLAT TOP PRO for a helmet since I will be doing a lot or tandem and formation stuff. But any opinions would be appreciated on cameras.

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Everybody will probably tell you something different as far as cameras, but I think a generalized opinion is a Sony camera, either PC101 or 120 or TRV style (not sure what the newest model #'s are)

You can find older used digital sony cameras too. I know a guy that has two PC7's that are bullet proof, they have something like 3,000 jumps and still work fine (no D-Box used).

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I have about 250 jumps on my PC120. I'm very happy with it. It takes decent stills and is convenient to take screen shots from if your stills camera FUBARS. This has been an out for a couple of our videographers when they didn't get film stills for one reason or another. Built in flash, too.

I also recommend the diamond reduction lenses. I have the .3 and the .5 .

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Thanks Deuce. Just trying to get as many opinions as possible. From talking to OB and Rauol I've got the same info. Just want to here from as many as possible before I dump a bunch of money in. Look me up when you get to Perris. Just ask for Dominic from Square 1.

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