
TRV 950?????

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Yes, it was an expensive experiment. The 950 uses the same floating iris as the 900 used. Same problems with flutter. Buy a TRV30/PC115 - you'll be happy with the image, and you can use the extra $$$ toward a digital still.

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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How do you shoot, over the top looking down, underneith looking up, headdown?

When I jumped a 900 it only presented a problem when in positions other than over the top, when the lighting conditions and background were not constant.

Also, just for clairification, it is not an issue of flutter, it is the "floating iris" that causes the image to shake. With inconsistant and rapidly changing lighting conditions the iris would not know where to constrict, and would jump around, making the image appear to shake.

If the 950 has the same system, spend your money on something else, it is not worth the chance / likelyhood that it will not work well. As far as I know Sony did not use this system in any of their other cameras.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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I tried just about everything there was to try, shutterspeed, white balance, different modes... even called Sony about a mechanical fix, with no luck.

If all I did was over the top RW shooting I would have never taken it of my helmet... But for FF, Student, and the underneith shot it was not the best selection.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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