
student gear for BIG guys

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I know a guy that is really big, 140 kg. He wants to start skydiving. According to our rules, that would mean that the canopy has to be at least 390 sqft. And a real big rig to put it in..
Does that kind of student gear exist?

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well, that would be like a tandem main. like the icarus 400, or sigma 395, set 400. something like that.

um and then a tandem reserve.

and i know that the racer tanem's can be used as a solo rig for students like that (it's tso'd for tandem and solo) and i heard that infinity will make really big rigs like that. but i'm not sure.


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Quite a few DZ's have converted Tandem Vectors to "Big Guy" rigs for AFF training...And our larger military rigs can handle that much weight with no problem. The problem will come later when he tries to find someone to jump with. Most guys that big don't hang around for too many jumps. He would make a swooper that everybody got out of the way of, though.

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Quite a few DZ's have converted Tandem Vectors to "Big Guy" rigs for AFF training...And our larger military rigs can handle that much weight with no problem. The problem will come later when he tries to find someone to jump with. Most guys that big don't hang around for too many jumps. He would make a swooper that everybody got out of the way of, though.

hey we could freefly with him, while he's still huggin the beach ball on his belly to stay up with us :P

i could see it now, if he makes a bunch of jumps, call icarus or pd for a crossed braced. "ya, i need a custom made vx (or velocity if he calls PD)" "ok, what size" "well um, 200 sq. ft" :P


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Profile says Sweden, so I assume they are looking for a DZ with that kind of gear in Scandinavia......
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An AFF-course can be finished during a holiday. The earth is not all that big, if someone interested in skydiving, I don´t think going to the states or australia for a skydiving vacation would be a problem. (Actually, that sounds real nice to me :)

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>I know a guy that is really big, 140 kg. He wants to start skydiving.

Before the gear issue, have your friend read and understand the advice given in these threads. Basically, a person that heavy will have significantly increased risk of injury, even with a huge parachute.

-"equipment/training suggestion for a 300lb wannabe?"
-"300lb wannabe"
-"300 lb. wanna be, is.... Jumbo"

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