
Low pull + CYPRES fire + near miss with tree.

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To prove I am human and have made mistakes under pressure. To date I have had three reserve rides. On malfunction #1 I threw both handles. On malfunction #2 I threw away my cutaway handle. It wasn't until malfunction #3 that I managed to hold on to both handles.

In the league table of skydiving mistakes, those are pretty minor - you've already done the crucial stuff, and everything else is about saving yourself money and inconvenience! :D Even once you've completed your drills, it's more important that you get control of your reserve canopy than that you keep hold of your handles. It is a reflection of experience though - I too lost my cutaway cable on my first reserve ride, and kept hold of everything on my second. :)

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I have hundreds of jumps with my camera. It wasn't a factor. Poor judgement in general, yes, but that wasn't an issue.

Camera was not an issue with that jump, but what next?

that could apply to anything... what next what next? why are we skydiving... seems like your chute might not open next... what if the world ended.....

Why do you have such a negative attatude, He landed safely and learned from it.... that is what really counts... If we all could take one thing away from this too would be awesome...


And had the willingness to share the video for all to learn by. Let's remember she got her reserve out and saved herself, the AAD fired during the deployment.

The only reason we're viewing this is the uploader acknowledged and shared their incident. Bashing or bringing your own baggage will just mean fewer uploads to learn from in future.

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I have hundreds of jumps with my camera. It wasn't a factor. Poor judgement in general, yes, but that wasn't an issue.

Camera was not an issue with that jump, but what next?

that could apply to anything... what next what next? why are we skydiving... seems like your chute might not open next... what if the world ended.....

Why do you have such a negative attatude, He landed safely and learned from it.... that is what really counts... If we all could take one thing away from this too would be awesome...


And had the willingness to share the video for all to learn by. Let's remember she got her reserve out and saved herself, the AAD fired during the deployment.

The only reason we're viewing this is the uploader acknowledged and shared their incident. Bashing or bringing your own baggage will just mean fewer uploads to learn from in future.

It was nice to be able to see this, but with some of the responses you can see why MOST people will not post here.

It was the camera's fault, LOL.

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I have hundreds of jumps with my camera. It wasn't a factor. Poor judgement in general, yes, but that wasn't an issue.

Camera was not an issue with that jump, but what next?

that could apply to anything... what next what next? why are we skydiving... seems like your chute might not open next... what if the world ended.....

Why do you have such a negative attatude, He landed safely and learned from it.... that is what really counts... If we all could take one thing away from this too would be awesome...


And had the willingness to share the video for all to learn by. Let's remember she got her reserve out and saved herself, the AAD fired during the deployment.

The only reason we're viewing this is the uploader acknowledged and shared their incident. Bashing or bringing your own baggage will just mean fewer uploads to learn from in future.


Worked with a dude that IMO was OCD and nit picked every thing at work. It used to make people at work >:(. I tried to explain the dude couldn'thelp himself.

Then the dudes wife filed for divorce and got a restraining order against him from seeing his son. The dude was doing the same nit picking at home.[:/]

When his attorney was doing his job the dude wanted to review all the lawyers paper work first and nit picked that also. The lawyer was getting $200/hr and made a comment along the lines that he understood why his wife was divorcing his sorry butt and got the restraining order to prevent the dude from nit picking his kid until the divorce was final.

My coworker had issues. But he was consistent and he paid a heavy price for it.

Did the OP jumper maker some errors in yep but at least their still alive, wasn't flying a rocket ship to be B| and didn't give up. And was nice enough to share their lessons learned.

Thats marvelous imo.

If anyone wants to nitpick my spelling and grammer IDGAF. Nit pick someone else:)

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And had the willingness to share the video for all to learn by. Let's remember she got her reserve out and saved herself, the AAD fired during the deployment.

The only reason we're viewing this is the uploader acknowledged and shared their incident. Bashing or bringing your own baggage will just mean fewer uploads to learn from in future.

My primary intention in posting this was to illustrate how quickly a relatively high wave off can turn into a really low deployment. It is a, in my opinion, excellent example of just how bad an idea mid-air rigging attempts are.

There are a number of things that I did wrong on the jump. An extra third attempt at my hacky, dropping my reserve handle, deciding to jump when I was fully aware that I was in poor physical condition, etc. The worst of those mistakes was the unplanned attempt to shift my rig. That's my opinion anyway.

Let's leave out the 3 seconds or so the third attempt to get my main open cost, the 3 seconds attempting to shift my rig cost me and the 3 seconds or so that retrieving my reserve handle cost. 9 seconds. 1500 feet. Minus those 3 things, I'd have been in the saddle at about 2000 feet.

The third attempt at my hacky was a conscious decision that I made as a moderately experienced skydiver. I'm perfectly comfortable with that choice because I knew I was relatively high compared to my normal wave off alti, which is about 3500 feet. I fully understand anyone who disagrees with me on that choice and I do not recommend anyone else do the same.

I can't explain what possessed me to try to shift my rig. I have never considered it an option when planning for different types of malfunctions. I just "did it". Had I not dropped my reserve handle I'd still have been open 500 feet higher that I was, though. Still a much safer margin of error than I had.

Dropping the reserve handle... is, well... "one of those things" that happens. I have, of course, thought about the procedure and grip I had on it and what I did wrong and what I can do better next time. I've had 3 cutaways, 2 with a Skyhook and 1 with a standard RSL, and I've never beaten the RSL to my reserve. That means I was not entirely in freefall as I pulled my reserve handle. It's a different feel.

It remains that these 3 things almost killed me. 1 planned, 1 unplanned, and 1 gotchya that really could happen to anyone. Any time in the future that you hear someone talking about reaching around to pull on their bridal if they have a pilot chute in tow or something else that sounds like an attempt to repair a problem with their deployment or their rig in freefall, please feel free to point them at the video and make it clear that if I'd taken 2 more seconds to fix the issues (and I'd not had an AAD or the AAD had not worked, as everyone should assume would be the case), I'd have made a big splash into that swamp.

Owned by Remi #?

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Holy crap Kelly, Nice job getting it done though. I would like to share some friendly advice. It may pertain to this or it may not, but just in case.

If you continue to have problems pulling rt handed, just switch to the left. For my first 500 jumps I had a hell of a time pulling rt handed. Something about my rt arm just wont get up that far. It was a pain in the butt when I was jumping the larger rigs, but when I purchased my last container, it became very difficult and to be honest, quite stressful. Greg from UPT was around and I noticed that he was pulling left handed and we jump the same size and
model of rig. We switched it out that night. Changed everything. If I'm not mistaken, you have a Micron correct? If so, it should be fairly easy. That is if shoulder problems are part of the problem. It may not be and never be an issue again, but, if it does, you do have options.


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Kelly, thanks for posting this video. You have a lot of courage knowing full well that heat rounds will be inbound.

On the topic of you're 3rd attempt and rig-shift I have a couple of thoughts.

1) Expert Trap
2) Low Order brain function

1: The Expert trap being that you've done enough skydives etc that you felt the standard rules you have taught your students didn't apply to you. When you deviated from standard EP's trying to get the main out.


2: You had a huge adrenaline response after the 1st/2nd unsuccessful pull and were subsequently thinking with your hands instead of your head. As soon as your cognitive thought process kicked in, pushing silver.

Neither one is a ding on you, just responses to life threatening situations. I'd like to see some of the more psychology-oriented skydivers weigh in on the subject.

What I've taken away from this video is to practice my EP's every jump. Try to ingrain that response so that when I get there through bad decision/luck/fate I can execute EP's without having to think about it.

Hopefully I'll never have to post a video like this to the forums but if I do, I hope to handle it with the class that you have.

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What I've taken away from this video is to practice my EP's every jump. Try to ingrain that response so that when I get there through bad decision/luck/fate I can execute EP's without having to think about it.

And THAT is what takes the 'psychology' out of the equation. Learn it, practice it, and practice some more....and then practice some more.
Knowledge is power. Practice enables that power.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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