
Bridal extension For Psycho Pak

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Geeez, I'm feeling a little confused right now. I ordered a new container (Odyssey/Specter/PDReserve) recently, but when I called to ask them to put a six inch extension on the bridal to accomodate Psycho Pak - I got the "we don't know anyhting about bridal extensions except for Wing Suit flying (which is a hell of a longer then I need), and anyway extensions have nothing to do with packing[:/] In addition we don't recommend Psycho Pak as they lead to squirrley openings:S. This is from a reputable company so I was somewhat surprised. Is this a liability issue or is this really a disconnenct between a major distributor and whats happening in the field? Somebody help me:S
phat, dumb & happy

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If you psycho pack a PD canopy you should consider yourself a test jumper. PD recommends a specific packing method based on their testing and experience. If you can get the canopy in the bag without too much trouble and are satisfied with the openings from a propack or flat pack, then there is really no need to psycho pack. Personally, I don't find that the psycho pack is faster or opens better than a pro pack, it is just much easier for me to bag. I also jump a Spectre and, for what it's worth, I have noticed that openings are a little bit squirrerlier than a pro pack, but it has gotten much better now that my packjob has gotten cleaner.

As for the bridle extenstion, it goes from the bridal attacment point on the canopy to the end of the bridle, thus lengthening the part of the bridle that is inside the deployment bag. It makes it easier to bag the packjob and it helps keep a kill line PC from partially uncocking (I suspect that this caused me to have a PC hesitation once). The recommended length from PA is 6" (memory is hazy, don't take my word on this), and a rigger can make you one. If you can't find a rigger, I know Para Gear will also make them.

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Thanks Brian,
I've psycho packed my Hornet for a couple a hundred jumps and have never noticed any significant difference between that and the pro pack. My bud flies a Specter and swears by the psycho pack - very experienced jumper / rigger. I guess I was just a little surprised by the responce I received - the psycho pack has been around for a while now. In PD's case do you know if in their testing program that they actually tested the psyco pack and if it was documented - and if so are the reports available to the public?
Thansk again
phat, dumb & happy

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Hi Dave

Get Fergie to make one for you, I think I have one lying around somewhere. The Caravan should be ready by next weekend.


" You have never lived until you've almost died, and for those who has experienced it, life has a flavour the protected would never understand"

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I dont know how to psychopack, but Ive seen it done, the one thing that concerns me is, if you place your bridal the way you do when you psycho pack, your going to get burn from the bridal and the canopy rubbing together at the high speeds deployment bring's. This will add up over a lot of jumps and you will have to get your canopy fixed after time. Well at least in theory, But I know PD reccomend's to make sure your bridal attatchment is clear of the canopy to keep it from burning the canopy. I have even seen a few Dbags with the metal grommets removed, because it causes damage to the top of the canopy.

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A psycho is the same as a propack except the roll. PD has some info on this on their website but I'm not a fan of the psycho at all. If your not the master of your pack job on the slippery ZP it screws you on opening since things slip easly. Propacking is just as fast for me. I've seen a girl flat pack new ZP faster then most people psycho.
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Hi Tallies,
No prob on the extension - good news on the Caravan - but I have already renamed the DZ to
Um Al NOPLANE. Missed you in UAE over the EID. I linked up with David M though, and he gave me a very thorough tour of the Dubai clubs / night life. I will be in the US for a couple of weeks for the holidays - plan on getting some airtime while I am there. Fergbird is planning another mini boogie for Feb - hope to see you then.
Cheers - David
phat, dumb & happy

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B| Looking forward to the Boogie. Pete Marsden from the UK is having his boogie here in FEB so keep yourself ready for a week of skydiving.

" You have never lived until you've almost died, and for those who has experienced it, life has a flavour the protected would never understand"

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Yes, you should certainly regard yourself as an experimantal jumper when doing anything outside the manufacturers standards. This goes for the way you land it to the way you pack it. As such, psycho for a PD canopy is experimental ...

But, as you have been psycho packing for some years now anyhow, you should be able to accept whatever benefits this packing method gives you against the manufacturers recommendations. For me, psycho is the only way to pack.

Packing is a breeze - openings are always the same and sweet as anything. Less time on packing means more jumps a day.

It goes into the bag easily having been rolled logically into the tootsie roll. The opening sequence is just the reverse of the packing sequence, so openings are a delight.

I cannot remember either an off heading or hard opening ever since I started psycho! But I accept that either may happen at some time. I continue to carry a reserve for the same reason. No parachute or packing method is 100% perfect. And a reserve in its' container makes a better pillow to lean my head on during the climb to altitude ....

Yes, a 6 to 9 inch bridle extension is a good thing. It simply puts bridle inside the deployment bag so the attachment point in top of the canopy need not be distorted and pulled out of the roll any more than necessary. One end of the bridle is attached to the canopy attachment point, the other to the "bottom" end of the pilot chute bridle.

I've been psycho packing for many years now and have never had any burns on the canopy.

I think i gave Tallies a bridle extension in a packing seminar I did last year. So he may indeed have one you could bribe out of him, as he mentioned.

I have no sewing facilities these days, so cannot offer to make you an extension. But someone like paragear or rigging adventures will be able to make something up for you.

I look foreward to seeing your new oddessy when it comes. I've heard they are almost as nice as a Mirage ..... (looking forward to the debate that statement creates too).:P

You made a good choice with the Spectre - no debate there .....

Blue skies, fergs

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