
Any advice?

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Hi my name is Ryan And i just got into the sport. My home Dropzone is Central Mich Skydivers and i do jump with a lot of great people some of which i see on these fourms. I am 22 and i got my A licence in less then 2 months and now i have 26 jumps but i don't really want to take things too fast and hurt myself but i do want to push myself harder to to new things that will get my experiance level up so any suggestions in free fly or on canopy that i could try would be a lot of help
The Guy Who Steals your Girlfriend

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Before you get too wound up on what canopies to fly, lets start with some basics.

If you want to get good at canopy control it takes a few things.

1. Knowledge
2. Practice
3. Patience

Why the third option? Well, the swooping looks cool, right? The guys that are good have been working on becoming that good for many years and usually around 2,000 jumps.

I highly recommend getting Brian Germain's book and reading it. Then get good canopy coaching on the canopy that you're flying now.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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There is soooooo much to say about canopy stuff. Don't even think about swooping for a while!! The best thing you can do right now is to work on accuracy and to learn everything there is to know about canopy flight such as getting back from long spots, stalls, flat turns........ Good luck. DON'T GET HURT!!!! And take your time!!!!

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Don't even think about swooping for a while!! The best thing you can do right now is to work on accuracy and to learn everything there is to know about canopy flight such as getting back from long spots, stalls, flat turns.

Damn, I guess you have seen me land...

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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The Guy Who Steals your Girlfriend

you mean the guy who dumped his girlfriend because of skydiving? :P;):)
good choice, by the way.

Good to see you commin along. Buy brian germaine's book.


go there and order it

b.t.w. congrats on the rig purchase
Now quit flying in my Burble! :ph34r:

p.s. upon looking at your profile, I didn't know you were a photographer! niiiice! :P


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i don't really want to take things too fast and hurt myself but i do want to push myself harder to to new things that will get my experiance level up

The way to build experience is to jump. You're not going to build any experience by trying to do this or that before you're really ready for it. Talent is not always indicated by jump numbers, but experience is. So if you want to build some experience ... jump as often as you can afford to.

Getting training/coaching is good and so is reading good training material (such as Brian Germaine's "The canopy and it's pilot" book). But just because you've read some book doesn't mean you'll be experienced. Experience is gained by getting out there and doing the jumps. Also, it's not easy for someone with only a couple of hundred of jumps to understand that they are not experienced, but the fact remains that the more jumps you do, the more you will understand why we say these sort of things. You won't really be experienced until you survived the sport "X" number of years and racked up thousands of jumps. And in that respect, I'm not all that much more experienced than you are when we compare ourselves to the truly experienced people.

Be safe, be smart and have fun out there. You've got you're whole life to get better.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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thanks for all of the advice but i am not trying to swoop now that is the furthest thing from my mind it just so happens that i am new to any fourms and well i put my thread in the Swooping and Canopy Control sorry guys but thanks and i will get that book. i am still open for some FF advice!
The Guy Who Steals your Girlfriend

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