
Rear riser landings on heavily loaded canopies

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Anyone have experience with rear riser landings on canopies loaded at 2.8 or so? Any problems with sudden stalls while on the rears while at or around this loading?

Just curious for any input from the rest of you.

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The line between flying and dynamically stalling at that wingload is incredibly delicate in rears. I have been weighted up for 4-way (with some fat guys) and approached that loading under a Xaos 21 69.5 (Aaron Comp's) and got a good "whomp" as the canopy stalled just as I was transferring to toggles. I can't count the number of times I saw it happen in the 2001 swoop season as everyone was just learning rears and piling in on a regular basis.

Nowadays there are a lot of people who don't touch their toggles at all on landings. Once you reach the base level of proficiency/confidence at the task then they become much less hairy. Still, 2.8? That's an incredibly inefficient wingload. I am sure you make a lot of noise going through the air.;)

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That's what I found out yesterday...just before the point where I would normally transfer to toggles the canopy just fell off behind me, with very little warning. I went up on a high h&p on the next load and was not able to recreate it.

I'm just really curious if it is worthwhile to continue to try and get more proficient with the rears for landings or if I should just stick to toggles at this w/l. I know this w/l is horribly inefficient for distance, but I am really in it for the speed! :o

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That's what I found out yesterday...just before the point where I would normally transfer to toggles the canopy just fell off behind me, with very little warning. I went up on a high h&p on the next load and was not able to recreate it.

That has happened to me once, luckily I was going slow enough I could run it out. You should probably going to toggles a lot sooner than you did or do. If you near the stall point the tail section is likely pulled down to the point where it is creating excessive drag. Transitioning to toggles before that point is better for the swoop.

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i'm 220 out the door and have landed a 69 vx (~3.1) on rears, i didn't experience anything down low, but i tried it up high and got it to stall much easier than my 85 (2.6).

i land my 85 on a regular basis with rears, and don't have a problem, and can get pretty far down on them, to the point when i come off of them i will be past 3/4th brakes.


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That could be a factor...the 27 has noticeably shorter lines than the 21 of the same size. My brake trim is also much different from one canopy to the next...I have to have a lot more slack with the 27 than the 21.
No problems with the limited number of landings with rears I have done with the 21 though.

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