
i hate comp cobalts

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so i got this comp cobalt demo, 85, thinking that is is a pretty good canopy. well i found out different, i hate it. it has like no recovery arc when you do a hook, at least compared to my 84 fx, i guess you have to carve it is what the dude said, but i don't like carving too much, unless i am going hard core for distance. and it's slow. a lot slower than my fx. i like a lot more speed. and he told me i could go just as far just slower. well i want to go as far, faster.
and i don't like the short toggle stroke, not at all. i stalled it on my first 2 jumps. and then it wouldn't really shut down on all the rest of the jumps. the openings just suck in my opinion. there really not that slow. and they have a little jerk at the beginning. and yes i followed all the packing instructions, and i even have like a 20 or 22 inch pilot chute, so it's not too big. so all around i just think they aren't that great of a canopy. but that's just my opinion. for some canopy pilots this canopy may be great, but no for my, just not my kind of canopy. but that's just my opinion, and opinions are like assholes, everyones got em, and they all stink:)

blue sky's and long swoops

"hook low, flare late..............dirt, tumble, dirt............ouch"

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Blasphemy!! Repent or thou shalt feel the wrath of the canopy God, DAN. (grin)

Bummer, guy. I'd be in interested in hearing the feedback from the company. Do you get a guarantee on it? It's funny how we evaluate canopies as individuals. One persons junk is anothers treasure. Good luck!!
"Slow down! You are too young
to be moving that fast!"

Old Man Crawfish

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Hi Skygod

Sorry, but I think that you should have some more training jumps with cobalt and to give an opportunity to the cobalt to do in your hands that does in the hands of the people's that know it and knows how to fly with him, or learning with cobalt pilots, still before you to express a such negative and absolutely inverse opinion of the all people's that jump the cobalt.
Not in recovery arch???
Don't have speed???
Suck opennings???
I Don't I know what you mean sincerely???!!!
And I am not factory pilot nor I am sponsored by ATAIR!!!


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If the demo you got had a short toggle stroke, then it had either been dumped in a pond a bunch of times and shrunk up, or were just re-set too tight by someone who had previously demo'd it. Either way, nothing you said even remotely defines the way my two mains fly. Stall? I have never stalled a Cobalt; stock or otherwise. Still, I am not saying you are mistaken; it is very possible that you got a bad canopy that had in fact been either dunked or toyed with. Where do you jump? I will have that main sent to me for testing.


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hi kelly,

i just wote a great reply but my computer crashed before it went up....quick recap is below.

there was a long wait for the demo cc85 and i'm pretty sure stacy sent you my personal canopy (silver one). if so yes the toggles are set short, simply my personal prefference. if you stalled the canopy it was simply bad technique on your part. i am not trying to slam you or anything, but if you can not figure out the control range and stall point of a canopy long before you are on landing approach, you should reconsider jumping high wingloaded sub 100's.

hey i have stalled canopies on landing too, but i didn't blame the canopy, it was my own fault for being complacent and trying to figure out the control range on final instead of at altitude.

speed: cobalts are slightly slower, but they generate more lift. you need to load slightly heavier of you want increased speed over your fx. cc will swoop farther than you fx definitely !

the recovery arc of the cc is also very different from the fx. it is positive meaning does not require any toggle input.
overall, it just sounds like you tried to fly the cc like an fx, without any thought to how this different design canopy needs to be flown. different canopy designs have different flight envelopes, as a high performance canopy pilot you need to know how to evaluate and learn each new canopy you try.

if you would like to give it a go again with an open mind i can send you a cc85 or cc75 (with deeper toggles), but i would want to discuss flying technique with you first. i.e. you say you do not like carves, but a correct carve will generate more speed on a cc than any other method, etc...


Daniel Preston <><>
atairaerodynamics.com (sport)
atairaerospace.com (military)

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hmmm. sounds like you shmucked in a couple of times and are taking it out on the canopy? how much time spent dialing it in? how many hop n pops did you do? how many sim'd approaches? If you'd done your homework uptop, you should have known about the short input range and landing characteristics.;)

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what's up

well, i am not blaming the canopy on stalling at all. i was flying it like my fx, and am not used to a short toggle stoke. the thing with the openings, could of been me, i don't know, i didn't read anything on how it should open. i just thought it was a little fast. i don't like to have to do anything different when i pull to make it open better. and i do not like carves on every landing, i will, but i like the feeling of being flat with the canopy when i do a hard hook, it just feels cool. i am sure that i was not flying the canopy like it needs to be to get the best performance. i like the way my fx flys, and the cobalt is a lot different, i may try the 75, but i'm happy with my fx, and i may just end up buying another fx, not sure though.


blue sky's and long swoops

"hook low, flare late.........dirt, tumble, dirt........ouch"

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Every time you fly a new canopy it's a lot going on a first date. You don't really know what to expect and should take things slowly. It's going to be differen't than your last girlfriend and what worked for the old one may not work on the new one. Now....after about the 3rd or 4th date then you can just show up at her house with a 12 pack and condoms. ;) If you really liked the old girlfriend.....don't go jumping a new one. B|

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If you really liked the old girlfriend.....don't go jumping a new one. B|

Clay, surely you are not against demo-girlfriends?

Seriously though, this is a good comparison, you can't expect one to do for you what the other did without learning the proper inputs on your side... In both cases.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Clay, surely you are not against demo-girlfriends?

Not at all....if you are perfectly satisfied with the old one you don't need to go looking. When I find a girlfriend or a canopy that does that for me I'll let ya know. Both seem to be good for 100 jumps or so and then it's time to move on. ;)

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it just sounds like you tried to fly the cc like an fx, without any thought to how this different design canopy needs to be flown. different canopy designs have different flight envelopes, as a high performance canopy pilot you need to know how to evaluate and learn each new canopy you try.

I can't recall how many times I've had to say this same thing in one form or another. People do a few jumps on a canopy and proclaim it better or worse than what they are used to jumping. Often times, they don't even check to insure that the canopy is in trim or set up properly, they just take it out of the box, assemble it to the rig, pack and jump. Then they offer the world their "opinions" on the canopy.....often with fewer than 15 jumps on it. Demoing (evaluating) a canopy requires attention to detail, some knowledge and forethought, and the time/money to make enough jumps to learn the canopy.

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