
New Atair canopy?

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Skymonkey one mentioned in a previous post that he would be competing under a cross braced atair canopy next year. Can anyone provide any information about that particular canopy. I am not at that leval of bad assitude in canopy control yet but I am interested in any information about canopy control and canopy design I can get.

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I can tell you that the one he competes on is specially modified. By a guy here in Georgia if I remember correctly. Has some work done to the nose to make it perform a little better. Chuck will have to fill in all the details.
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That isn't a cross braced canopy. Chuck was refering to a new canopy coming out. There are compitition cobalts that have a different nose than the regular ones and there is a mod that can be done to regular cobalts to improve swoop performance as well.

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Dan may just jump in and answer, but the fact of the matter is that the mod that is done on my orange 75, the "H-mod" makes a canopy REALLY snivel. It is fantastic once open, but man does it open slow. It would not be a good mod for general consumption on a regular Cobalt. The Competition Cobalt has a VERY different nose and flies completely differently. It dives steeper and flies faster. If that is what you like, then feel free to purchase one; they are for sale by Atair.
What the original post was about, though, was the yet to be named 27 cell x-braced canopy that is in prototype testing. The main is based on the proven Cobalt planform, but will obviously be much shorter in the rib, etc, etc. Dan or I will write more about it as testing progresses. We all hope to be competing on them by March.
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hi guys,
howard-mod, aka h-mod: nose mode to vipers,alphas,& cobalts by howard adams (not atair).
triangle braces on the nose loaded ribs. reduces drag slightly on the nose, reduces spanwise distortion on the first 8" of the airfoil, changes angle of attack slightly and increases speed.
pros: overall a slight increase in high end performance & can be added to an existing cobalt.
cons: as an after market modification performed outside our factory and our controll,
atair can not endorse or support the modification.
competition cobalt: are now available to the public after a full season of testing by our pro pilots. based on the proven planform & airfoil of the standard cobalt but taking our tensioned skin technology to the next level. the nose is closed and taped in a triangulated fashion crossbracing only the nose in a spanwise direction. bottom skin inlets were added for inflation. crossports are structured to create a multistage opening, ie, 3 then 5 then 7 then 9. the design is a show off of several technologies we are patent pending on. inlet drag is reduced 60%, spanwise airfoil distortion to b lines is reduced in the range of a tri cell cross braced canopies, angle of attack is steeper.....
pros: very soft high speed openings, speed of a cobalt 1 size down & lift of a cobalt 1 size up ! equal performance to cross braced tri cells (eric butts 4th place world para games, 300' swoops @ only 2.2#) without the price! and without many of the negative traits, ie. openings/riser pressure/self recovery arc... cons: they are super high performance and not for everyone, available only to qualified swoopers.
x-braced atair? yep there here, called the ONYX in 28 and 36 cell. they are chord wise cross braced cobalts with a quad cell confiquration. look for them on the pro circuit with our test pilots.

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