
help w/ canopy decision

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...Sabre, Sabre 2, or Triathlon...
I'm not going to go into the "are you expereince enough" debate, I dont know you, neither does anyone on this board (unless you have a buddy here!). Ask your instructors.
As far as that type of canopy, if you have listed the ones above, you may also look into the Hornet (PISA), Spectre (PD), Electra (PdF if you're in Europe), Super 7 (again if you're in Europe).. all adressing the same market segment.
Muff 914

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The best way to decide which canopy is right for you is to jump a bunch of them. After all, only you are going to know which one you like best!
How to do that? If you can travel or are lucky enough to live near a large dz that has a gear store offering demos that's the hot tip. You'd be able to jump a number of different canopy models/types in one weekend.
If you can't get to a place that has demos, contact the various manufacturers and ask to have a demo sent out. If you're in the US PD is great about this; you might have to wait a month or so and it will cost you a bit of money for shipping but you can keep the canopy for two weekends.
If you're looking at something that the manufacturer doesn't offer demos for it's a bit tougher. Ask around your dz; maybe someone there has one in your size range that you can put a couple jumps on.
pull and flare,

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In addition to trying out lots of demo canopys, look at used gear for your first rig. Large gear is fairly easy to come by and its cheap too. Lots of people are just off student status and downsizing or getting out of the spoet for some reason and they have larger gear for sale. Save the custom colored canopy for your second or third. Get someting that you like now, but is used. Put the money saves towards about 20 jumps insted of custom colors ;)
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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I agree, make sure you demo a few canopies. I was looking at the Saber-II, but I ended up buying a Hornet-170 (PISA). If flew very similar to the Saber-2; although the Saber dives more & gets longer swoops...which I'm not at that level yet. Especially for someone coming off student status & will end up downsizing in a yr or so...look at a Hornet. They sell for 910 on sale (new) & can be bought cheaper if used. It's a fun canopy to fly, yet forgiving when u make a mistake. Good luck...let us know what end up getting. Have fun & stay safe.
**I'm a Pschydiver!

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