
Refresher course

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I recently completed AFF and did my first solo, because of holiday and DZ closing for a few weeks I'm not current About 12 days or so .
How long does a refresher course take ?

Are you familiar with this? If not, give it a try. You'll get the right answer every time. ;)

Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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I am ummmm very familiar, unless I was able to finish AFF without ever glancing at it ;) Every DZ is different and the rule isn't specific. Could I maybe just have to review EP and do a coach jump ? Or sit through hours of AFF ground school jump #1 or a combination? How long does it take ? Just want to know what different DZ and AFF instructors would do.
Thanks for your reply

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My dz does static line so the progression is different. For where you're at, it would require you pass a 30 minute review, do hanging harness EP practice, repeat a low-altitude jump to show stability, pulling on time, and proper canopy skills, then a repeat of your last passed jump. None of this applies to you or your dz, though, FYI.

Sample questions I'd require a correct answer too:
What is decision altitude (definition and your decision altitude number)?
What is deployment altitude?
What is your minimum deployment altitude?
How does that relate to your decision altitude?
What is your breakoff altitude and breakoff procedure that leads to deployment altitude (that leads to decision altitude)?
What are the 3 rules of pulling, in order of importance?
What are the cloud clearance requirements above and below 10k?
Properly plan spotting, exit, and opening point for the days conditions.
What are your landing priorities?
Draw, with altitudes, a landing pattern for the days winds.
Show me your EPs.
What is your response to the following malfunctions: Line twists, slider stuck up, collapsed end cells, toggle fire, hard pull, stuck handle, broken arm in freefall/under canopy.
Show me, in a hanging harness, proper and timely response to the canopy malfunctions pictures (available on PD's website).
Show me a complete gear check, with explanations about what you are checking for at each step.

There's a good start. If you know all that, I'd let you jump.

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