
Mirage Service--Positive

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I have made it my policy not to get on chat groups, but someone phoned me and brought this issue to my attention.
I have been a “small volume” dealer with Mirage Systems for a few years, and whenever there has been a mistake or delay, Mirage went out of their way to correct the problem. Bill Hallett has bent over backwards to “make the customer happy” and, in my experience, has handled issues graciously.
Perhaps dealing with a company directly is a better method, than bashing them in a public forum.
Just food for thought.

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I dont think that anyone was "bashing" the company, just explaining there experiance they had with them be it bad or good. I think anyone and everyone has the right to tell there side of the story. As for the mirage itself I've heard only good about the product its just the customer service that may need some improvement from what I'm getting and as a consumer I hope people will come out and say "hey I had a really good experiance with these guys , or you know what they could of hanlded this a little better. Companies should know that word of mouth is one of the best forms of advertising and if somethings not coesher it should be addressed. And when push comes to shove theres always the old saying........sometimes the truth hurts!!

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Yeah, I don't really get it either food, our DZO is a die-hard mirage dealer... He swears they're the best thing introduced to skydiving since the airplane, and I've heard nothing but good things about them, that is until we had to deal with them personally. I'm not going to get into the whole situation again, but for the most part - we got screwed! Yes they did get the job done, and yes we did get the rig back before we left for Quincy, but that was after calling them several times a day the week before. Granted, Pam was very upset that they were cutting our Quincy deadline so close, but that wasn't even the issue. It was all the bullshit excuses we received while her rig was NOT being fixed. As far as handling issues graciously, I disagree... we tried talking directly to Bill, but was always diverted to a secretary or receptionist or some such. When asked what the problem was, one of the ladies that works there (sorry, don't remember her name) says, "I don't know what the hell their problem is, and it's starting to piss me off.... basically because it makes me look bad!" that's a direct quote... How's that for bending over backwards. Once this was made public on the forums (simply by sharing the facts of the experience), it apparently made Bill very upset. Upon hearing about this from a third party we tried calling, and Pam emailed several phone #'s where she could be reached if he would like to discuss it further.... consequently we never heard from him.... so forgive me if I disagree.
Everyone here has simply stated their experiences, there has been no bashing, or slander, or anything else negative - aside from the facts of the experience. I'm certainly not trying to dissuade anyone from buying a mirage... I've said it a 100 times before, I Love the Mirage, I think it's the best container on the market... and the ONLY reason I won't buy one is because of the service we received.... Please, no one base your decisions on the few bad experiences you've read here, I believe that no company can be perfect and will make mistakes... but I also believe that it's our right as consumers to make our OPINIONS & experiences public. You think that everyone only says good things about PD, what about Icarus? You don't think that they've received some horrible reviews lately? So where are owners of Icarus, why aren't they getting defensive over what's been said about them lately? Hell, even if I lost my Dytter & L&B said that they'd given out too many recently & wouldn't replace it, I would post that as well.... but I guarantee that it wouldn't persuade anyone not to buy from them, simply because of the incredible service after the sale reputation they've already established! It would be just one bad experience opposing possibly 100's of good ones. Respect is earned, not freely given.... Mirage has a VERY respectable product, and their service may be incredible otherwise, so don't let our experience be a deciding factor in whether you buy one or not.... if you don't - fine... if you do - great, you're getting an awesome rig.
I apologize that I was so long winded, & I promise this is all I have left to say about the matter.... I'm finished with it.
"Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"

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Troll? Who knows....all I have to say is that I am happy with the service I have received from Mirage.. When I ordered my rig, I was told 5 weeks.. After 3 weeks and a day or two, my rig was delivered.. There were two minor issues with it, that were both corrected immediately - and one of them was a very unusual request.. I even asked(AFTER my rig was delivered, and had been jumped many times) about a longer main bridle - and Bill Hallet told me to let 'em know what I want, and they would make it for me..
Plus the fact that I got the PdF style stainless leg strap hardware at no extra cost..
If that's horrible service, I REALLY want to see great service..

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I got pdf style leg hardware with my jav too...but it is standard.
Do they usualy charge at Mirage?

I have no idea if they do now or not - but they just recently started using the PdF stainless leg hardware - and it's standard with Stainless.. SunPath hasn't been putting it on standard Jav's for very long, either..

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