
Downsizing my Hornet main

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Hi, I've done nearly 50 jumps on a Hornet 170 (loading at 0.88) and had no problems handling it. I'm considering downsizing to a Hornet 135 (loading at 1.12) Will that be too big a leap, or should I just play safe and get a 150? Can someone please advise? Thanks.

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People here can't tell you what kind, color, or size canopy to get. Only you can make that decision, if you're looking for feedback that matters then talk to the people who jump with you on a regular basis.
That said, if you can demo various canopies at various wingloadings then that's really the safest and wisest way to go. When it comes time to buy you'll be confident that you've made the best investment you could have. That, IMHO, sure beats ordering something and wondering if you made the right choice.

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