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Those who read the speakers corner might well already know what caused me to post here. Those who hang out in the bonfire will probably think I'm talking about someone who couldn't get any sleep last night because they were being poked in the back by a penis. :P

Now they're giggling because I said "penis". As you were folks.

Is it possible to take a pro-active approach towards people who sign up here for the sole purpose of disrupting our little community?

We have had a couple of instances in the past, for example people who claimed to be at deaths door and played us all for fools over the course of a week or two. They were swiftly dealt with and the problem disposed of.

Is it not appropriate to deal in a similar manner with those who come here purely to cause as much of a stink as possible and who, on their first day back from a 14 day ban for making a personal attack on a moderator who wasn't even involved in the thread, post half a dozen threads at once, all broadly connected and all filled with the most monumental nonsense you could imagine.

This is someone who you just know is going to be attacking people and breaking rules again within a day or so. It's obvious they're not here to discuss, or learn or any of the other reasons people come here; they're just here to troll.

So why not simply cut a long story short and get rid of bad news now? Surely they can only be banned so many times before you start to look at blocking them... so why not just cut the loop short? It's pretty obvious that's what's going to happen in the end anyway.

I say: ban them, kill their profile and block their IP. We don't need people like this on here... we're argumentative enough as it is.:D

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We are proactive: removing posts, warning the authors, banning them for gross or repeat offenses, requesing that their usernames get disabled if their intent is simply malicious.

There are 12 Moderators and 1 owner for 24 open forums. Both the forums and the Mods are international, partially to maximize coverage around the clock.

Speakers Corner can get carried away quickly because everyone's hot button is there. If my hot button is flag burning, and I cruise the SC forum looking for a reason to defend it, my button can easily be pushed in and get me spun up. Thankfully all of that content is in one forum and people can choose like I do to stay out of that forum. I rarely read posts or post there.

Nearly everything gets read eventually, but if you see something that is not in accordance with the forum rules you need to PM one of the Moderators for that forum with a link to the thread and the reason you brought it to his/her attention.

THat way our beloved community looks after itself.
Arrive Safely


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I think we have fairly wide latitude for the moderators. So, if someone just seems to be stirring things up, the mods really do have the option to just imposing increasingly longer sentences. Obviously, at some point they'll either go away, or start posting in forums that don't allow non-topical discussions, in which case they'll go away soon anyway.

I am also concerned that there are many members of our community who have very good things to day in the topical forums, but who really do seem to be swaggering into Speaker's Corner looking for a good brawl. I don't think there's much that can be done about that, though, aside from keeping the broken china in SC, so it doesn't annoy the good citizens. I surely would not want to lose their good thoughts in the topical forums, just because they're the kind who like to get rowdy in an off topic forum.

But on the topic of folks who obviously are just here to raise a ruckus?

Do you really think that something faster than the current system is going to be much more effective? And will it give us a sufficient return in speediness to overcome any possible defects in too-quick decision making?

Hey, I've got an idea--you want to be a SC moderator? :P
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Hey, I've got an idea--you want to be a SC moderator?

hehe - I don't think you could pay me enough to want that job.

I was just posting here out of frustration with the blatant trolling elsewhere... guess that was kinda the right thing to do.

I see they lasted less than 24 hours this time round. Presumably their next return to the forums will be heralded with a full dozen nonsensical posts. Should be amusing at least.

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