
Training in the Tunnel - What should I do?

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Let's assume I have a lot of time to kill, as well as some new-found discretionary income.

Let's assume that I have 206 jumps, and still relatively suck, mostly because I spend the majority of my time working and not jumping.

Now let's say I wanted to take three or four days and just get better - And go to the tunnel and do such a thing.

What would one do to do that? Get a coach? Specific drills?

I'd like to get better, and I have the time to go do that - I figure I can do it a lot better in the tunnel than I can in the air.

So with that - Any thoughts?

Thanks, guys. Happy 4th.

"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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go to the tunnel and get a good coach is your best bet. Listen to what he/she tells you, they know their shit.
If you disbelieve everything because we cannot certainly know all things, we shall do much-what as wisely as he would not use his legs, but sit still and perish because he had no wings to fly.-JL

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One thing you will have to decide is if you want to spend all your tunnel time working on flat flying or you want to play around with the dark side. In one respect, you can become skilled more quickly by concentrating on a single body orientation. But if you really want to be a freeflyer, you'll have to go through the progression (belly, back, sit, head).

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Get a good coach! With your jump numbers, don't look for the best freeflyer, but for the best teacher.
And don't try to do too much time (in "three or four days"), since sore muscles don't memorize as well...

Have fun (this is important ;) )!

No.1 reason NOT to be an astronaut: ...You can't drink beer at zero gravity...

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First and most important thing is to figure out what exactly you want. Are you planning to to 4 way belly, becoming an aff instructor, freefly, tunnel coach? If you show up without knowing what you want, you're not going to get as much out of it (it will still be fun as he'll though).

Regardless of what you want to progress in, get a coach. Theyvare invaluable.

If it's your first time in the tunnel, I would recommend not doing a lot of time within a short period of time, especially if you plan on freeflying. I did 50 minutes my first time in 10 minute blocks with two minute intervals over two days and couldn't walk or do much else for a week. I'm in pretty good shape and work out often. Second trip I thought I would have better tunnel fitness and booked 70 min over two days. Uhh, couldn't walk for a week after that too. After about 4 hours total Its getting a bit easier. I did 90 minutes last week and am recovering a lot quicker.

I loooove the tunnel:)

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or you want to play around with the dark side

not allowed to do CrW in the tunnel


I have one friend that insisted on learning mantis only - his coach kept pushing him to back/sit progression against his wishes - he left pretty disappointed as this coach did not understand anything about advanced belly skills - most tunnel instructors are decent in all orientations. but not all

find a good teacher that also will teach what you want, not what he's biased towards.

(tunnel is a great place to be an all around good flyer in all orientations - it's just pushing air)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I'm still flip flopping when I exit the plane (now jumping from 7,500 ft, well I guess since I passed that I'll go on up to 10K feet next time but anyway), I think I might hit up the wind tunnel to practice being more stable. Be nice to turn on purpose and not because my feet were out-of-balance. Thanks for starting this string!

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