
Birthday Tunnel Time

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So my daughter is turning 12 in March, and for her birthday we always go on a trip or adventure. She wants to play in a wind tunnel (first flight). I've played down at AAC, and loved it. Our other options are NH or Orlando. Considering that our trip will be the beginning of March (too cold for an outdoor windstream?), and only from Friday to Sunday (so flying on Sat, most likely, and looking for nearby cheap thrills Fri night and Sun morning), which facility do you recommend for her first flight experience? She's never been to NC, FL, or NH, so any state will be an adventure for her.


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Hey Beth,

Well my vote would have to be a solid vote for AAC AND Flyaway if possible.
Not to mention getting that little one her pink mafia number too while she's here in either tunnel!
Why don't Lexi (who is also 12) and I show you and your girl around Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg one day, get a flight at Flyaway too.. and then the day before or after head over to AAC.

A day in Gatlinburg is a ton of fun for the kids and extremly family friendly. We can go ice skating, video games, hit ripley's aquarium or museum, walk around town (very walkable) eat junk food and funnel cakes *YUMMY*.. that sorta thing.

You know how to reach me... so you let me know.
Good to see your back in the loop!
I'm headed up to NH again next weekend, too bad you two couldn't head up there next weekend :P
We'll be inducting another little girl while we're up there and Lexi will be along etc.
HUGS to YOU!!!

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I def. second joining the Tunnel Pink Mafia with Dawn Suiter at AAC :)

I know you will have an amazing flight with our awesome delegate! Sounds like she's got some good ideas for non flying entertainment too! Enjoy the b-day tunnel time and fun with your daughter.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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