
Airkix fires up...

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Just to let you know that we fired up the Airkix tunnel in Milton Keynes today. Although we ran it a few days back direct from the VFD units, this was the first test through the control systems. Today we were on the manual system and tomorrow we intend to test the PC based systems.

Temperature was great without using the cooling doors and we flew for well over an hour.

The air can be as fast as you like and it's super-smooth at all levels and all across the tunnel. SkyVenture say it's as good as anything they have done.

Quite a bit of building work on the outside but we should be flying from the weekend and the Tunnel Camps and coaching sessions with Gary Beyer and Mark Kirkby are going well. give us a call if you want to join the fun and get some serious coaching from Arizona Airspeed members! www.airkix.com or +44 1908 247770.

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Whooooo! I'll have to come over the pond and visit the staff I met in Orlando for training. They were heaps of fun :)
I have all these places to get and no time to get there, ahhhh. I'll figure something out so Barbie can head your way ;)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Just curious about a couple of things...


Just to let you know that we fired up the Airkix tunnel in Milton Keynes today.

What happens when you fire up a tunnel for the first time? I mean, I know that you probably go around
and check for screws, nails, boards, tools, and other large things that have been left in the air path, but
I figure when the fans start turning for the first time, you find a lot of gum wrappers and dust that you


Today we were on the manual system and tomorrow we intend to test the PC based systems.

What do the PC-based systems do that the manual control doesn't do? (If I had to guess I'd say
the PCs are used to automatically handle the timing and "time's up" lights.) Is there an emergency
stop switch that isn't wired through the PC that can be used when the PC crashes?

Have you gotten any nasty phone calls from the airlines yet? "Our bookings to Orlando are down 37%
and we think it's your fault!" :)

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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What do the PC-based systems do that the manual control doesn't do?

Provide more sensitive control.

Provide operating details (like aircraft instruments)

Offers options like "cruise" settings.

Controls the timer.

Monitors and takes actions incase of unwanted vibrations.

Records operational data in log form.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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any houses for sale in Milton Keynes that have a transporter built in so I can live next to the tunnel and still go to work to pay for the tunnel time???

Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion. Avril Sloe

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The only Jetstream we have an interest in is the vertical one. We are flying as we speak so come on down!

We'll be operating all weekend in a test programme mode as there is still outer building works and final systems tests going on. Anyone can join us within this test phase and normal rates prevail.

Look forward to seeing you and Rusty and Joe are here from SVO.

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Did see Simon at the week-end:)B|.

Having recently been in SVP, this one has such clean air it's unbelievable! Flying around the edges is as clean as it can be. I was just playing most of the time with Godders as my tunnel rat. I can't believe that once again he's my instructor after having thrown me out of planes on a dope rope many years ago!

A few tips for those who are going to airkix:

- there are suprisingly few signs to Xscape once you get to MK. If you are a little lost, follow signs to mk:central, which is the large shopping mall next door to, but not attached to the tunnel/snozone complex. That one has a John Lewis, Sainsbury's, Iceland and the local theatre in it.
- once you have found Xscape, find the parking areas which have a purple line along them. The purple ones are council parking and you get 4hrs for your £1, the ones without the purple line belong to Xscape and you get 20 mins for your £1. It's a bit of a further walk, but not having to carry a rig it doesn't really matter!
- the drinks machines all take £1 coins, so if you want a coke or Dr Pepper, you'll need pound coins, unless you go to McDs, KFC, Costa Coffee etc in the same mall as airkix. There's all sorts of other shops there too, so if you've forgotten anything (eg your trainers, jumper etc) you can get them at one of the shops without having to go outside.

I can't wait to go back and start the real learning - that whole backflying stuff to get to sit to finally one day get to head down!:S

Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion. Avril Sloe

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