
Yet another surgery

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Good thing I get volume discounts from my orthopedic surgeon.

My first torn ACL occurred at Indiantown, FL around 1969. I didn't get it repaired until 1997 and then had two subsequent tune-ups. The only other jumping related injury (other than 3 sprained ankles) was a separation of the ribs at the Nationals in Talequah in 1975.

When I turned 50 I took up skiing and snowboarding and have had broken ribs (led to pneumonia), broken foot, another torn ACL, and broken hand. Actually the last incident resulted from a UPD (UnPlannedDismount) from one of my unicycles.

This past March I competed at the NASTAR Nationals with a brace on the torn ACL. Okemo Mountain did a nice wrapup of the event in their blog.

The doctor has me taking Vitamin D now because the bones can't take the same sort of abuse they did in the past. "What a drag it is getting old......"
B-4600, C-3615, D-1814, Gold Wings #326, Diamond Wings #152.

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!

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Hope your surgery heals well...when you get to this point in life it's actually maintenance on the old bod.
I'm trying to be pro active with it to prevent more serious damages and have just had a UCL ligament replaced in the left thumb.
Was at PT today and the therapist was amazed at the flexibility just out of the cast, I mentioned I was a banjo picker and thus had a lot of strength and flexibility already in that hand.
Tomorrow I go in for an abdominal aorta ultrasound along with the carotid arteries just to see what kind of shape they are in...
I feel like an old car, replacing parts as they get used.....what with a pacemaker, two artificial hips, a plate on the right femur, a huge kidney stone surgically removed and five rounds of Lithotripsy to smash some other stones...a chunk of my left temple from basal cell carcinoma pretty well rounds out the stuff....at some point I figure I'll have more replaced than is left which should get me to 175 years or so.....

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