
photograph wanted of early RW/FS World Records

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Hi, I'm putting together a presentation on large formation FS and I'd like a photograph of the first 100 way (Muscogee 1986) and the first 120 way (Quincy 1986). I'm looking to show the evolvement of formation design.

Would also be interested in the 72 way (deland 1983)

If anyone can scan and send me pics I'd appreciate it. I've got some pictures but they are in storage in California and I'm in Denmark!

thanks in advance (also posted in RW forum)
mail to: katejumps (at) square1 (dot) com

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Hi, I'm putting together a presentation on large formation FS and I'd like a photograph of the first 100 way (Muscogee 1986) and the first 120 way (Quincy 1986). I'm looking to show the evolvement of formation design.

Would also be interested in the 72 way (deland 1983)

If anyone can scan and send me pics I'd appreciate it. I've got some pictures but they are in storage in California and I'm in Denmark!

thanks in advance (also posted in RW forum)
mail to: katejumps (at) square1 (dot) com

Hello Kate

Norm Kent was camera for the 86 100 way I believe, i know that is where he got his start in camera work. Have him tell you how he got the channel 8 gig that weekend, funny story.

Also Al Hively organized the first bigway world record in Oklahoma at least i think it was the first. I think it was a 36 way in the 70's. I can get his phone number/email for you if you want it. If you want the small one too.

Another thought, you might contact my mother, I believe she judged most of them until the what, late 90's?

Let me know if you want either contact info.

Maybe you will publish it when you are done, I know I would like to see it.

Good luck, oh and nice Aerodyne ad;). Of course I dont work for Sun Path anymore so I guess I cant give you a hard time, all I could do now is print T shirts or promotional items for you.:)

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First unofficial 100-way - unofficial because Norm Kent, who was flying camera, docked in a low jumper's slot - was built in Pitt Meadows, BC, Canada earlier in 1986.

If I remember right, they were limited to 12,000 feet by ATC so building a 100-way out of DC-3s from 12,000 feet was pretty awesome back then.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Hey J....Steve from the FullerBrosInc here (wuz up?) Could be waaay off on this, but I seem to remember listening in on a conversation at Muskogee about how McGowen was the only photog on the load to come away with an official pic of the 100 way. First time #100 closed -everyone laid into their auto shutter thangs, and a couple seconds after taking grips #100 lost his grip.
When he regained the grip and the formation hung on for official time, everyone but McGowen had emptied their cameras on the missed grip deal. Could be that's a "load"...but makes a good story...and it made the poster sized copy of McGowens pic that I had even more spe-cil:)

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Gus Wing got my favorite sequence of the Oklahoma 100 way. He was way off to the side and took three pix as he sunk from above to on level and then below. It shows the dish shape better than any other previous shot. New and interesting perspective by a novel thinker. Gus was damn good!


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