
Broken steering line

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My philosophy was always if I can land my main without breaking a bone, I'm not going to chop it. Whether you can land a 2.0 loaded canopy like that however is an individual decision. You should practice up high and figure it out. Loading a more lightly loaded canopy on rear risers is pretty simple. I certainly would recommend it to people over cutting away. I've seen it done quite a few times over the years without issues for the most part.
Only 6 months ago I watched a friend have a total (pc stuffed down in the pouch.) He opened, broke a bunch of lines on the reserve, and the reserve started streamering. Luckily he had had a total, as now with his reserve malfunctioning, he dug hard and got the main out which is the reason he walked away.
Do I trust my reserve? Yes. I have 12 reserve rides (I do a lot of CRW). But I'm not going to cut away a "mostly good" main. I've landed with broken d lines and a weird knot or too here and there from CRW wraps. Never had a problem.
There's just been enough people over the years who've had reserves blow up and stuff, that I'm not about to cutaway a main which I can land without breaking anything (although I may get dirty from a PLF or a slide) to go to something which may not open. I chop when my main isn't in a survivable configuration.

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as a lurker and an information junkie I'd like to thank everyone for their opinions and input on this topic.
personally I think if it was big and square and responded to RR input, I'd land with what i had. I've played with RR flares at altitude, but havent tried to land that way.
of course, my opinion may change if it actually happens, and its great to have thought about it beforehand.

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Just got back to this thread.

Like you, I look at my reserve as a last chance parachute, but makeing the blanket statement that everyone should land on rear risers in the event of a broken steering line is, in my opinion, wrong.

Jim, please don't attribute things to me that I didn't say. If you read my post, it was filled with "I dids" or "I woulds" ----not a single "you should" or "everyone should". The original question was "What would you do", and I answered to that. I would never presume to tell someone what to do based on my "vast" knowledge of 92 jumps.....just stating what I would do, or did. Thanks.
There are too many strong minds and opinions for us all to ever agree 100% on any subject. Like most people, I try to assimilate all the knowledge I can before making a decision. Unfortunately, jumping sometimes only gives you one chance to get it right.....tough sport. Asking questions and getting feedback from various viewpoints is always good, but once you're licensed, the decision is always going to rest with you, good or bad.

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