
Virginia Skydiver Gathering

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Ian will be at Skydive Virginia in Louisa! (Bettina, where are you?)

Her message from the Louisa list:
Hello SDV Regulars!

If I have not told you already, I booked Ian's flights! I'll have him at the DZ bright and early on July 21. We'll be heading out about 3:00 on Sunday. I'll send out the time structure as we get closer.

I am planning to cook out the night of the 21st. Since J and I will be away around the 4th of July, we will most likely bring our fireworks for the canopy weekend. :-) Even if you do not plan to participate in the canopy coaching - it promises to be an awesome weekend with a good party Sat night. Hope you'll mark your calendars. I know you are all such social butterflies....

Please email me with questions

Bettina Markowitz

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thx for having us last night! It's always a pleasure to see everybody and meet new faces!

Now...I just want to know when our babydoll Liz will cook for us ;)
she's a Pro now :)
see you next weekend!


I love my life :)

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Well well well... look at this thread... it is soooooo big! :D

I love you guys. Anyone who missed GGs is a FOOL I tell you. The bartender is not cute... she's smoking HOT! And so is that crazy Keka chick! B|

And Ian... :ph34r:... poor boy... doesn't even know where he's going. :P I will be a traitor that weekend and head to Skydive Virginia. I wouldn't miss Bunny and Jesus' fireworks for the world! Besides... I need to give Doug another chance at taking me out with a bottle rocket!



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Yeah, you're probably going to get blown up one way or another. I think I'll be strapping on my smoke canisters again for the canopy fun. This time I'm using the whole frickin' case at once. Four going at once wasn't the huge cloudmaker I was hoping for.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Nah... let's just set you on fire. Or we can strap all the fireworks to you, throw on a long fuse, and light you up as you exit. Too cool! It'll give night jumps a whole new meaning! B| Besids... it is Louisa, right? :D:D:D:D

***runs and hides***

I would but you'd probably get on dz.com and report it as an incident. OH DAMN!!!
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Nah... let's just set you on fire. Or we can strap all the fireworks to you, throw on a long fuse, and light you up as you exit. Too cool! It'll give night jumps a whole new meaning! B| Besids... it is Louisa, right? :D:D:D:D

***runs and hides***

I would but you'd probably get on dz.com and report it as an incident. OH DAMN!!!

yeah... :ph34r:... you mean like the mister bill where someone got a boo boo on their knee?? :P

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Hey, you're the one inviting people to your house for swinger parties, little miss freaky-deaky. By the way, should I bring anything? I made a jello.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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