
Byron Boogie/Norcal Freefly Festival! 2 Legendary Boogies - 1 Mega Event

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From Team Jank:

Bay Area Skydiving, Gravity Gear and Team Jank are excited to announce a
collaboration of two of Northern California's greatest boogies: The
Byron Boogie and The NorCal Freefly Festival. The event will take place
over four days (September 22-25) and will combine all the best of both
boogies. Team Jank will be putting together a spectacular video
presentation on Saturday night with three huge screens and special
videos put together to take advantage of the 3-screen format. If you
were at last year's NCFF, then you know what to expect; only bigger and
better! We will also be putting together the boogie video for this event
and showing it in the 3-screen format during Saturday's video show. On
Thursday and Friday of the boogie we will be designing special jumps
that will be filmed by 3 cameramen to create a one-of-a-kind video
experience. We're not just talking about freeflying. Some of the ideas
we have tossed around are an 8-way belly jump with 3 freefly cameramen
carving around and over the top of the formation. Or a tracking dive
filmed from 3 unique angles. Or how about a simple 2-way being filmed
from 3 angles, all shown simultaneously. The possibilities are endless.
So, if you would like to be a big part of Saturday nights video show,
plan on coming out for all four days. We will be looking for camera
flyers who would like to donate their time (and $) and be a part of this
project as well.

But the video is just the tip of the iceberg. Saturday night will also
feature the Byron debut of "THE WHEEL OF CARNAGE"! There will be live
music, kareoke, beer, food and all of the atmosphere that has made the
Byron Boogie such a classic event. A web site has been established to
keep everyone up-to-date as to the details of the boogie
(www.byron-boogie.com). Check it frequently. There are a lot of people
helping to make this a huge event and the enthusiasm is extremely high.

Byron Boogie/Norcal Freefly Festival! 2 Legendary Boogies - 1 Mega Event


Hey ya'll! Don't miss this one!

From Team Jank:

Bay Area Skydiving, Gravity Gear and Team Jank are excited to announce a
collaboration of two of Northern California's greatest boogies: The
Byron Boogie and The NorCal Freefly Festival. The event will take place
over four days (September 22-25) and will combine all the best of both
boogies. Team Jank will be putting together a spectacular video
presentation on Saturday night with three huge screens and special
videos put together to take advantage of the 3-screen format. If you
were at last year's NCFF, then you know what to expect; only bigger and
better! We will also be putting together the boogie video for this event
and showing it in the 3-screen format during Saturday's video show. On
Thursday and Friday of the boogie we will be designing special jumps
that will be filmed by 3 cameramen to create a one-of-a-kind video
experience. We're not just talking about freeflying. Some of the ideas
we have tossed around are an 8-way belly jump with 3 freefly cameramen
carving around and over the top of the formation. Or a tracking dive
filmed from 3 unique angles. Or how about a simple 2-way being filmed
from 3 angles, all shown simultaneously. The possibilities are endless.
So, if you would like to be a big part of Saturday nights video show,
plan on coming out for all four days. We will be looking for camera
flyers who would like to donate their time (and $) and be a part of this
project as well.

But the video is just the tip of the iceberg. Saturday night will also
feature the Byron debut of "THE WHEEL OF CARNAGE"! There will be live
music, kareoke, beer, food and all of the atmosphere that has made the
Byron Boogie such a classic event. A web site has been established to
keep everyone up-to-date as to the details of the boogie
(www.byron-boogie.com). Check it frequently. There are a lot of people
helping to make this a huge event and the enthusiasm is extremely high.


(Take this posts seriously. ;))

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Yay! There's also a roll call thread over in Bonfire... make sure to add your name with all the cool kids!

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Again this year, we will be having a Zone Accuracy competition with great prizes.. Work on your canopy accuracy.. Last year, Geno Yamamoto took first and won 40% off of a complete Aerodyne system! We also had great prizes from PD, Wings, Birdman, Iwan, wine from Shannon, Matthias, Bay Area Skydiving, Spy Rigging.. and of course.. Gravity Gear..

Almost all of the 23 entrants won something and all of them learned and increased their canopy skills.

I am working on rounding up great prizes again for this year. B|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Almost all of the 23 entrants won something and all of them learned and increased their canopy skills.

The way I'm flying my new canopy you can put me down as the solid winner of the ASSWHAD award. I hope to improve on that a little before I show up and maybe get the DIPSHIt award instead.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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The way I'm flying my new canopy you can put me down as the solid winner of the ASSWHAD award. I hope to improve on that a little before I show up and maybe get the DIPSHIt award instead.

Hmmm.. we don't have a Dipshit or asswhad award but we do have these great prizes..

Aerodyne has stepped up with 2 prizes..
40% off a complete Aerodyne system
AND 30% off a new Aerodyne main canopy (Aerodyne also will be at the boogie with demos to include their hot new main..)

Wings has put up another 50% off a new Wings container.

Velocity Sports Equipment has put up 50% off a new Infinity container.

Tony Suits 50% off their very cool cargo pants.

Vine Connections Shannon throwing down a case of wine.

Performance Designs 30% off a new PD main canopy and a couple of hot PD T-shirts. Katana anyone? ;)

Icarus Canopies supporting the cause with TWO 35% off new icarus main canopies.

Matthias offering his mad skills up with some freefly coaching complete with the in-air radio communication system.

Also, I have confirmation from SSK, Larsen & Brusgard, Alti 2 and Gravity Gear that they are thrilled to be supporting our event and prizes will be forthcoming.. B|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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It is an accuracy landing competition. Here is a drawing of the course.. It is 50 feet wide at the entry gates and narrows to 40' for the rest of the course. Each zone is 25' long. This course is easily navigated to a perfect score on a lightly loaded canopy without any performance inducing turns. Give it a shot.. You've got nothing to lose and plenty to learn and or win from participating. :)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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great picture. looks fun.

How tall is the entry gate? Overshoot that and I'd score a zero, right? That looks like the key challenge for me, then try to get at least two zones in. Footballs might have to live on their own.

Nope.. if you hit the gate, you get 10 points for that, extra..

So just try to land in the right zone, and you get the points for that zone, then hit the gates on top of that.. 10 bonus points.. and then some bonus points for all the footballs you hit.

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great picture. looks fun.

How tall is the entry gate? Overshoot that and I'd score a zero, right? That looks like the key challenge for me, then try to get at least two zones in. Footballs might have to live on their own.

The entry gates are tall.. 12 or 15 feet.. I can't remember how tall those blades are.. as Iwan said, though, going vertical over the gates is not a zero. The gates and footballs are bonus points. the real money is landing in the 40 point zone.:)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Someone want to refresh my memory about the Wheel of Carnage? I saw it at a SkyDance boogie, but it was almost two years ago.

Think of "Wheel Of Fortune" only instead of dollar amounts there are different prizes such as t-shirts, half off gear coupons and types of drinks (apple pie shots, saké bombs, absinthe, tequila, etc.)

It usually gets pretty crazy (or so I hear :))


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Someone want to refresh my memory about the Wheel of Carnage? I saw it at a SkyDance boogie, but it was almost two years ago.

Think of "Wheel Of Fortune" only instead of dollar amounts there are different prizes such as t-shirts, half off gear coupons and types of drinks (apple pie shots, saké bombs, absinthe, tequila, etc.)

It usually gets pretty crazy (or so I hear :))

That seems familar. But didn't you have to buy a spin (e.g. $1 per spin or something) - so for your "raffle ticket" you could get something "good" (gear coupon, etc.) or "bad" (a shot)? I Corie feeding me an Apple Pie shot - yum.

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