
update for Memorial day boogie Tunnel time

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Ok the list is almost done and everyone is just about paid up. Here are the names.

Billvon(and Amy too!)
Justin Shekoski
Prusha (65 year old lady that kicks ass)
Perris-Ites 4 way team
surprise quest

I am about 20 minutes short of getting another hour so if you are still intereseted let me know ASAP. I am going to put out the schedule for the first 4 hours tommorrow. If you guys said you wanted time but haven't gotten me any payment info yet, you need to do so ASAP or your time will be sold to someone else. Remeber guys I am not making any money off of this and booked time according to your promises. So let me know if you have to change your mind. I don't want any hurt feelings if you show up thinking you have time and you don't!


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Oh my I love being on top of the list...

I just wanna see if that thing can blow hard enuff for me to do a sit fly in there..:)

It should be able to do fine with the suits I have on my belly but I cant wait to do some freefly time.. woo hoo...

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