
Get it On at the Trojan Boogie, Skydive Sussex, June 4-6!

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Check out the new Skydive Sussex and bring your Toga! For the first big boogie of the year we are jamming with Monkey Claw all day, and it's Toga Toga Toga all night! Your $10 registration includes a deluxe catered buffet Saturday night, and raffle ticket for the grand prize giveaway. Regular lift tickets to 13,500 are discounted to $16 Friday - Sunday.

Aire Express will be adding to the fleet over the weekend. You can also jump the famous turbine Alouette chopper! See why we call it the scream machine.

Check out what you can win for free! Every hour we fly, we are giving away a free jump ticket and t-shirt. One lucky person will win the grand prize and jump FREE ALL DAY SUNDAY!

Boogie sponsors include Trojan Condoms, Red Bull, and Aire Express.

We have organized group rates at a few hotels in the area. Please call 973-702-7000 for details.

Please join us for our first party of the year, and find out how we put the "sex" back in Sussex!

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Skydive Sussex will be flying the Porter, but depending on the number of registrations, we could be bringing in one of the Aire Express bigger planes. They are less than an hour away when we need them.

We are also in the process of confirming the Chopper for 2 days instead of one, and confirming the Stearman BiPlane for inverted jumps!

We are also firming up plans with an RW organizer we are bringing in for the event, so bring on the flat flyers!

We can post the hotel information here, too, if people are interested.

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B| awesome! sounds like you got it going on there. is it posible to camp on the d.z? I'm planing to hang out all weekend long. can't miss out on the opportunity to jump with monky claw. what about some hybrid jumps?

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B| It's VERY cool that Sussex now has a proper plane there. This DZ always had the potential to be big and it's now time to show everyone this place is a growing and a GREAT DZ that just needed the turbine.

As for this boogie I will MOST DEFINITLY be there all weekend long and ready to jump my ass off!!! It hasn’t even happened yet but a very big thank you to the young ladies who are busting their butts coming up with all sorts of great ideas to make this thing a big success. THANKS LADIES!!! :):D:ph34r: I can’t wait to see you all there!!!

"Hey listen dude, if you're into playin' it close that's cool, but we're talkin' major malfunction here!"
Truman Sparks

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Please join us for our first party of the year, and find out how we put the "sex" back in Sussex!

even funnier when you pronounce Sussex like a frenchman, and when you know what it means in french...
Nice sponsors:P
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Where is are we gonna party at since there is no camping on the DZ.

We is are gonna party at on the DZ...you can bring a tent and stay overnight, but don't forget your B.O.derant because there are no showers here--- although we can hit you with the hose first thing in the morning, and we will if we find you passed out in the open.
by the way, like i said before there is a camping place nearby who has a special area set aside for skydivers for 12$ a night, if you prefer that.

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If it takes a Slip n Slide...bring it...Get anyone that can jump to show up. I hear we can secure a larger turbine jumpship if we can get enough people to come out, possibly a Super Otter or a Super Skyvan.

The ones of us that are showing want a bigger plane. So everyone and anyone show the hell up. We already have the a chopper and a Biplane....

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