
Mike Haagen-Daas ?

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Anybody know what he is doing these days, I have red something about him being in a accident and started flying jumpers instead of organizing. I`m just wondering because I have herd a loot of good things about him and was looking forward to having him as an organizer later this year when I will bee visiting Skydive City.

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Yeah Like Bill said he is now a pilot. He ruined his shoulder awhile back and is unable to jump.

He was flying right seat during the Easter Boogie and helping with the loading of planes.

He seems to be doing pretty good.

Although he will not be organizing there are a bunch of good organizers at the Hill. Nigel, Oren, and Zero to name a few. Heck I might even do some.

"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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I knew he got into flying but didn't know that he couldn't jump anymore.

He told me that he is not jumping for 2 years per doctors orders. During that time, he decided to do something constructive and get pilot instruction. What will happen in the future? Who knows. I wish him the best and hope that his shoulder recovers fully. Even if he can't return to skydiving, he is a great resource for knowledge (9000 jumps).

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