
Dropzone business

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Most DZs are a disfunctional family and it works but sometimes you get family members who are unhappy and slander or try to make the dz look bad.

Why can't jumpers go to their DZO or S&TA with their problems instead of bringing them out to a public forum. This helps no one as the DZ looks bad and everyone gives their views be it good or bad.

Dropzone.com is a great place to learn, inform and educate!!!!

Not a good place to air out dirty laundry or things your pissed off about. Bad for business and bad for moral..

What do other think??

The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid

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Most DZs are a disfunctional family and it works but sometimes you get family members who are unhappy and slander or try to make the dz look bad.

What does it say about the person who is jumping at a dropzone that he/she is bad mouthing?

never pull low......unless you are

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Airing a DZ's dirty laundry on a public forum is bad karma.
It makes the slanderer look bad for two reasons: first, they have poor taste in DZs. Secondly, they are p**ing their own playground.
If their complaints reach gov't ears, their playground will get shut down.
It is far wiser to express your concerns to the DZO. If the DZO blows you off, then express your concerns to the S&TA or conference/regional director of your national organization. If that fails then tell the airplane owner.
My point is that there are a variety of ways to lean on non-conforming DZs, but try to keep it in-house. The worst thing you can do is make family squabbles public.

As for the people who air dirty laundry in public, chances are they live on the fringes of civilization and only have one choice of DZ. Being on the fringes of civilization has allowed thier DZ to get away with too much for too long. Their only other options are driving five hours to the next DZ or quitting skydiving.

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Why can't jumpers go to their DZO or S&TA with their problems instead of bringing them out to a public forum. This helps no one as the DZ looks bad and everyone gives their views be it good or bad.

Beacuse when people get behind the keyboard they are not looking someone in the face as they air THEIR view of things.

IMO it gives them a sense of "doing something about the problem" without really having to get involved. God forbid should they actually have to do something to correct what they percieve to be the problem.


Dropzone.com is a great place to learn, inform and educate!!!!

Granted it's a great place to hear about new things and new ideas, but educate? The best place to be educated about skydiving was, is, and always will be AT the dropzone, learning from experienced jumpers.

You can learn some good things here, but all to often the responses to a request for information are answered by someone totally unqualified. And the obvious assumption of the person requesting info is that "Hey, that sounds like good advice so it must be".

Unfortunatly the thought process of most people is not "Am I qualified to answer this question?" but more along the lines of "Can I answer it first?".

(can you tell this is a pet peeve?) ;)


Bad for business and bad for moral.

Once again, only if you believe what you read instead of finding out for yourself.

Regardless of the information your seeking, the internet is a great source, as a starting point. However one must realize that bad information is supplied just as readily as good.

'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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One thing I love about going to my DZ is that I have NO enemies or "dirty luandry" there!! Well maybe a shirt I left over the night or something:P... But if its one thing i try to make a point at its to get along with everyone!!

Freedom of speech includes volume

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