
weird question: Is your breath the same?

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Here goes the weird one. My girlfriend who doesn't jump tells me that I have a weird breath after a jump sometimes it lasts until the evening. Have any of you had a similar situation and if so do you have any idea what may cause this?

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All kinds of chemicals and hormones get dumped into your bloodstream when doing something very high intensity.

A lot of that gets blown off via the lungs as a part of normal respiration. The body elimiantes waste products in a variety of ways.

This can definately affect your breath.

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Maybe she's using your jumping as a polite excuse to tell you you have arse breath :D;)

Na only joking. I dont know if my breath SMELLS different after a jump but my mouth tastes different.

"Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!"

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Dude, your ability to sneak to the DZ for a jump has been comprimised.

Exactly. I can see it now:

"I smell dive on your breath..."
Bob Marks

"-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman

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well heres a view that im surprised no one mentioned.

ALOT of ppl Forget to eat while they are jumping. its not pretty to smell someones breath who hasnt eaten all day.
plus if you are camping at the DZ for a weekends or something there is sure to be higher intake of alcohol. that gets cycled through your body during the day:S

or if you go to the DZ earlier then you normally wake up you body will get exhuasted and for some reason that affects ppl's breath too....

I make it a point to ALWAYS HAVE BREATHE MINTS
at my DZ. we fly cessnas so its almost ritualistic to pass them around.
they dont last as long at a bigger dz but usually someone has mints to pass aroundB|
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Just make sure you stop for a few beers before you go home....
Darn. I do not drink alcohol I am one of the weird ones. I do relate to a few things you people have said, I do get up earlier to go jump and I eat less during those days. Thanks everybody for your suggestions.

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