
Shoulder Pain

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Sunday i was doing AFF stage 4. after a 6 hour wait for clouds to clear up i finally got the go ahead for the jump. ride up to alti was normal. power off, check in, up, down, ARCH.

OUCH this is where the pain started my left shoulder seemed to be killing me i held the box man the best i could to stay stable but i couldnt bring my left arm back past my body the pain was to intense, hell it was painful enough just to keep it out there. got to 5,000 feet after staying as stable as i could to my jumpmaster waved off and pulled. now when i reached up for my risers the pain seemed to go and i could fly my canopy fine with both arms. stand up landing when i got to the ground i moved my arm up past my head and it seemed to pop or something.

put some ice on it and went home to bed, next morning i seem to have full movement in it its got a tiny niggling pain. only painfull position i can find is when i try to bring the box man back past my body.

I have never had problems with my shoulder before please help =/

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Agreed, doctor, within a week or so if possible.
Also could have been a dislocated shoulder, o both.
Good luck.

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well, coming from someone who's had something like a million martial arts or dance injuries, this is my rule of thumb:

see your doc if it hurts for more than 3 days. less than 3 days, you probably just tweaked a muscle. more than 3 days, you could've torn/sprained/dislocated something.

for now, try some anti-inflammatory medication like advil or aleve. Aspirin is always a good standby.

Tiger Liniment or Tiger Balm helps loosen up stiff muscles, too. I think the liniment works better than the balm, but they're both good.

Best wishes!

who has had so many x-rays (and requested copies of them) that her mother's science class has managed to build an x-ray of her whole body except the left hand by putting all the individual x-rays together. her students keep hoping I'm gonna break that one sooner or later. They enjoy searching the films to figure out what exactly I'd broken that time.

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Could be any number of things, (strained soft tissue, bursitis, partial tear of rotator cuff).

With ANY injury, I recommend the following RIICE plan.

Rest, the injured area for at least two days.

Ice. for the first 24-36 hours (heat after that)

Ibuprofen (aka, Advil or Motrin). In the absence of any problem taking advil, use one of the following:

200mg (one advil) every 2 hours

400mg every 4 hours

600mg every 6 hours

800mg every 8 hours

1000mg every 10 hours

Compression, shoulder are tough to ace wrap(impossible by yourself) so you might skip that here.

Elevation, again, not too relevant to a shoulder injury (unless you sleep like a bat :)

Give it three or four days and then decide if you need to see a doctor.

Good luck,



Sunday i was doing AFF stage 4. after a 6 hour wait for clouds to clear up i finally got the go ahead for the jump. ride up to alti was normal. power off, check in, up, down, ARCH.

OUCH this is where the pain started my left shoulder seemed to be killing me i held the box man the best i could to stay stable but i couldnt bring my left arm back past my body the pain was to intense, hell it was painful enough just to keep it out there. got to 5,000 feet after staying as stable as i could to my jumpmaster waved off and pulled. now when i reached up for my risers the pain seemed to go and i could fly my canopy fine with both arms. stand up landing when i got to the ground i moved my arm up past my head and it seemed to pop or something.

put some ice on it and went home to bed, next morning i seem to have full movement in it its got a tiny niggling pain. only painfull position i can find is when i try to bring the box man back past my body.

I have never had problems with my shoulder before please help =/

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Go see the doc-

my left wing has been really bad for a month since I tore rotator cuff.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Rotator cuff is a group of flat tendons which fuse together and surround the front, back, and top of shoulder joint.
My aching is mostly located at the top and front of shoulder and the outer side of upper arm (deltoid)

1. wear a sling for first 4-5 days- rest is very important at first......& take pain killers.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory meds. are recommended.
Doc says takes 5-6 months to heal- may give me a cortizone shot in 4 weeks if it is still agonizing.

Cannot arch, delta- bring arm straight out -up past shoulder height--never alone get dressed- the hell with bras. Considering the range I do have now compared to when I first injured- cannot whine but have to have range I need to skydive again.

Sleeping is the absolute shits to get comfortable.
Doc says sleep on back with rolled towel under neck, knees up.
2. Stretching & strengthening exercise is o.k. start slow
3. massage therapy is needed here as all muscles from neck down -are on alert to protect injury and stiff, sore......hard as a rock.

Be positive, take care-:P
Your body will be able to fly again in time!


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Boy this is dissapointing to read. I too have had shoulder pain for a while, not sure what started the injury though, I'm fairly positive it hasn't been from skydiving, but who knows. Thanks for the advice, I've made an appointment with my doctor.

Hoping for good news though... would hate to have to stop jumping, I just made my first 20 second delay yesterday. At least I still have full motion, so if it is something, it should I hope be minor.
Michael Teator
Lexington, Kentucky

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i've noticed working out has helped a lot with my torn rotator cuff. See your doc and ask for a good phys program or ask him to referr you to a good sports doc. Or search online theres a ton of stuff.

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i've noticed working out has helped a lot with my torn rotator cuff.

How was it repaired? Self repair while being easy on it for months, or surgery (which of course would imply light use for a while too?)
Michael Teator
Lexington, Kentucky

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