
Moved from other forum-> can i become a sky diver?

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I am a 6'5 305 lb firefighter I am not a blob of fat but I am a built guy. I want to skydive every weekend, I know i will have to go to classes and make lots of tandum and static jumps but i eventually want to go solo is this possible? If anyone has a similar body type can you give me problems/solutions you had and any tips.

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From what I understand, it's certainly not impossible for you to skydive. I may be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure there are a decent number of 300+'ers out there jumping. Just call your nearest DZ and ask them if they'll let you.

You might have to wear a tandem rig on your first several jumps or something...



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Nothing is impossible but your situation does make it more difficult. Your weight is exceeding most canopy restrictions but not all. This means you will have to jump larger canopies which will be less responsive than what the other people around you are jumping. for example if you look here https://www.square1.com/Catalog/ you will see that the specs on some of the larger canopies would fit your needs. Finding a used container to fit properly may be a problem. I'm not a tandem master so as far as weight restrictions for tandems you would have to inquire about at your local DZ. Skydivers in general are not big people. I'm 6'0 , 225 lbs and I'm considered a big skydiver. If this is something that you really want to do than it is possible but if a DZ does not have gear to accomodate you that means buying your own and like I stated before finding used for yourself may be difficult. Buying new could put a nice hole in your pocket. Good Luck!

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You can definitely learn, but you may experience more problems than your 'average' jumper. Some possible ones:

-You will probably be more prone to injury; your weight means your canopy will fly faster and you will put more stress on your ankles when you land.

-You may have to buy your own student rig, and they're expensive (like on the order of $4000.) On the plus side you can keep it once you graduate. Some schools have converted tandem rigs or the like for larger students; that can save you some money.

-You may have issues with fall rate (i.e. you'll fall too fast for most jumpers to keep up with) depending on your arm length.

The above aren't meant to discourage you, just to prepare you for what you may experience. It is definitely doable - I know several 300+ lb jumpers who have successfully learned to skydive.

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Here are links to two other people that had the same weight problem. Both were able to jump. Finding a DZ that will train you is the first step. These links have contact names and locations.

First Link

Another Link

Good luck,
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Some other big dude did several jumps in Moss Point, MS. I don't know how close that is to Baton Rouge, but this other guy flew in from San Diego, so at least you're better off than he is.

The folks at the DZ can tell you all about gear, and other big guy stuff when you do your actual jump. Good luck, get video and stills, and post some pics of your skydive.

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Sweet! i know a Instructor in beaumot texas that is gonna let me jump i just needed to find a rig later on thanks. Reading the other threads makes me want to loose more weight. I can get to 250 if i stop doing heavy squats and leave the fast food in the slow lane . Thanks I will keep you informed.

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I just had to go through the headache of getting different gear because my weight's gone up and I've moved to a higher altitude. The gear is avaiable, you just have to look around a bit.

As long as you have gear that's TSO'd for your weight and has a RSL and AAD, you should be able to use that while on student status. And I would guess that the gear issue would be the only major concern for most dz's.

good luck

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