
I graduated today

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Today I passed level 8 at Perris and graduated! I did my first dive out exit which went well... then I did a barrel roll, good... as for the rest, let's just say I still need to practice more on maintaining heading and stopping my turning...

Unfortunately, my landing was awful, my worst (my last jump was my very best, so it had to be). I flared too early, which is a first for me as I've usually been flaring way too late! Then the canopy started to dip to the right, and I made the common rookie error of "running with the enemy" as my JM called it. I came in hard, tried to run it out but it was too fast, and wasn't going to happen, and I ended up face to the ground, kaboom goes my forehead on the ground (I understand now why the helmet), and got a taste of mother earth (literally). Now isn't this a pleasant and dignified position to be in on graduation day?? [:/] I felt like lying there and kicking myself but jumped quickly to make sure everything was working and so my JM would know that I was OK.

And tonight a stiff, sore neck is beginning to settle in. Well, another lesson learned, thankfully without injury, excepting minor whiplash :$[:/].

I am anxious for my first solo jump, to just get out there and enjoy it without the pressure of having to perform certain maneuvers. I felt today like my recent jumps were worse than my first ones, but I realize that I've made it through with only one repeat, so maybe I'm harder on myself that I need to be. Now, I just want to get out there and keeping learning and improving my flying skills! (and landing skills :P)

"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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Amazing isn't it? Dump a ton of money, thought and time entering into a sport that, in some ways, increases stress and anxiety... putting ourselves intentionally in harms way... for the adventure, thrill and challenge of it... graduate with a landing that kabooms your forehead into the ground... hard enough for minor whiplash.. eating a bit of dirt in the process... and still manage to be anxious- ANXIOUS to jump yet again...

This is such a strange thing we love and do.

Congrats on graduation! Was that the first jump you've made in 2004? That would be very cool if it was!
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophies.”

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Amazing isn't it? Dump a ton of money, thought and time entering into a sport that, in some ways, increases stress and anxiety... putting ourselves intentionally in harms way... for the adventure, thrill and challenge of it... graduate with a landing that kabooms your forehead into the ground... hard enough for minor whiplash.. eating a bit of dirt in the process... and still manage to be anxious- ANXIOUS to jump yet again...

This is such a strange thing we love and do.

Congrats on graduation! Was that the first jump you've made in 2004? That would be very cool if it was!

LMAO. I loved your post. True, I am anxious to jump again, even though I kaboomed my head and the danger factor seems more real now... and yes, it is so strange, especially when now I realize now that I am hopelessly hooked :o.

And thank you! Thank you! Yes, it was my first jump in 2004 B|.
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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congrats! I am 4 jumps off graduating can not wait, but we can not get any good weather down here so that i can finish!
Congrats and dont fall next time...... case of bear???
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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congrats! I am 4 jumps off graduating can not wait, but we can not get any good weather down here so that i can finish!
Congrats and dont fall next time...... case of bear???

My JM told me that I couldn't pass because I didn't bring a case of beer :D. I told him I would bring one next time.
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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My JM told me that I couldn't pass because I didn't bring a case of beer . I told him I would bring one next time.

I brought 9 1/2 cases to my graduation party....I had a lot of things to pay beer for! LOL...that was a party!

Hey, Michele, well done. I am really tickled for you....kabooming isn't fun, but you learned. Next step, as soon as you get your A, go get canopy flight coaching from the Team Extreme guys. They're the best (literally), and I learned an amazing amount from them.



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Woo Hoo Michele. . .congratulations. . .

I will be finishing AFF at Elsinore next Saturday. . .I am soooo excited. . .

Now the fun begins. . .!
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Congratulations, Sweetie. I am so pleased for you, ha! It just gets better - I graduated AFF in the UK last summer and am having a whale of a time. Good luck and I too echo the sensible advice about getting some canopy skills training. This will equip you with solid survival skills under canopy.

Good luck!
My favourite saying is under construction...

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