
AAF - Start or wait?

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I just wanted some insight from people who know what they're talking about. I want to start AFF but am tight on money, I will be able to save the money for stage 1 within about 6 weeks, but wont have money for any of the other stages for about 3 weeks after that. Should I start as soon as I have the money or is it better to wait until I have enough money to do it weekly (which will add about 3 months onto the time before I can start)?
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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Hey bro,

Most of the time its better to do it as frequent as possible. You can get by doing it once a month but chances are you will be repeting levels that way seeing as you would have forgotten a lot by the next month. Once you have over 50 jumps or so, taking a month or two off is not that big a deal. IMO you learn much better at the beginning doing it with little to no time between. I went right through and did all 8 in 3 days. Loved it and was pretty happy with how it turned out. My buddy did one a month and had to repete a few levels. After that he quit, and came back when he could go right through and passed with ease. He told me it was just that after a month he didnt remember the little things he would have doing it soon after a previous dive. Thats just my experiance with it though, I am sure if you did one a month you could make it also, just harder IMO.


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Exactly. I did my first four jumps in three days, and the forth not for another week, and this was a major contributor to why I failed that level. I then kept doing them quickly, and did fine. Save up your money, and learn as much as possible by just hangin round the DZ man, thats what I did, helped bunches, and ppl got to kno me even though I didnt jump, they saw my enthusiasm. Also, why run the risk of going uncurrent when you are saving up. I would do it all together. Hope it helps! Have fun!

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I agree with all that has been said here. Being currnt is everything in this sport. I just proved my lack of it today after doing only 7 jumps in the last 3 months and I have 700 jumps. So do it when you can at least get through the first 7 levels. After that repeats are a lot cheaper.

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All that being said I had to make 1 aff jumps a month for 2 months then 2 the next month, and 3 the following month. I passed all levels without failing one. I read the manuel every week, practiced emergency procedures, and read alot here. I also got the skydivers handbook and read it once a month for fun. If you decide to wait, just stay motivated and keep in mind it kicks ass! Chad

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Staying motivated isn't a problem, I'll never forget how it felt to jump out of that plane, and that's definately where I want to be again. I'm going to pawn some cd's in a couple of days so that should put me a lot closer to being able to afford AFF.
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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I also think you should wait and do all the stages at the same time. wait abit save money and dont worry we are not going any where.

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I'd suggest waiting, only because you need to go through it with as few layoffs as possible. In the long run it will cost you less than having to continually get recurrent.
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All that being said I had to make 1 aff jumps a month for 2 months then 2 the next month, and 3 the following month. I passed all levels without failing one. I read the manuel every week, practiced emergency procedures, and read alot here. I also got the skydivers handbook and read it once a month for fun. If you decide to wait, just stay motivated and keep in mind it kicks ass! Chad

The common wisdom is always that the more jumps, within a shorter amount of time, the better. However if you want to do it you should do it however you can. Personally I worked through AFF paycheck to paycheck. Everytime I had the money I'd jump. It took me just over two months. I didn't fail a level. Saying you'll probably repeat may be the case, but for the matter most have to repeat levels, whether or not they do it in one chunk or spread it out. But that's just my $.02

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