
Flying into Perris

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From my understanding Perris is a public airfield, and licensed pilots can land there during the day. My friend is a commercial pilot and offered to take me directly there in a bonanza. Should we be aware of anything prior to arrival besides obviously staying west of the field on approach?

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public airport

I thought so!

I don't think skydive perris owns all those King Airs and Cesna-182's they have parked out there!;)

You thought wrong. I think Ben and Diane would agree with me since they have owned the airport since 1978 or 1979.
I don't care what the AFD has it listed as, it is privately owned.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Its a private airport but its not restricted. You won't get unicom or traffic advisories. They don't want day trippers or student pattern "players" busy-ing up the pattern. Its bad enough with several turbine aircraft turning back to back. But if you are coming in to skydive and park it you won't get the frowny face. I know a couple of jumpers who fly in.

And Scott, you would be surprised by just how many of those aircraft are owned or were owned by the DZ owners at one time. And now they are owned by someone who has a business there and is also a jumper.

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And 57U or as it was called "Ugly" or "Undertaker," threw a prop blade on takeoff and burned to the ground. It happened I believe in 1988 when Perris became the Perris Valley Skydiving Society. The footage from inside the aircraft is amazine and Jerry exited the aircraft with camera rolling capturing the entire event with "Space" popping out of the pilots emergency hatch and then running to the tail to vacate. Remember this?
Blue Skies
Eric Bernstein
[email protected]

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OK- here's the deal --

Privately owned, public use.

Best Bet is to make a phone call to manifest (909) 657-3904 before you take off just to make sure nothing special is happening, where they want transient aircraft to park, etc

If you check on the Terminal Area Chart, you'll see that 122.775 is used for advisories. For "flight following" try Socal Approach 134.0.

I usually get down to pattern altitude a couple of miles to the west and hold until in radio contact with either manifest or the jump planes. Downwind leg could be flown over the Trolley Museum, so stay at least a mile west of there until you're sure what you're doing. Whatever you do -- don't fly within a 1/2 mile west of the runway to a couple of miles east!

In calm winds, land with left traffic for 33, depart on runway 15. Plan on minimum time on the runway!!!

Have fun!

Blue Skies!

Harry Leicher
"Harry, why did you land all the way out there? Nobody else landed out there."

"Your statement answered your question."

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