SOBE anyone?

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Well, as far as what seems to be going on according to the other thread(s), they won't be operating until the legal/financial/personal/whatever dispute is settled. This probably includes someone not being able to man the phones. Check out the other discussions about it for your healthy dose of FUD.

So, my boss doesn't show up today, I finally have a Friday I can ditch and the DZ is closed :<



I been trying to call SOBE this morning sice 8:30 am and they don't answer are they off today or just plain lazy?

You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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Yeah, SoBe is gorgeous. Great dz. Great plane. Great people. Glad to hear that everything is fine and that people were just making a mountain out of a molehill. Funny how that happens a lot in skydiving. :P:DB|

Man, I wish I could be down at SoBe this weekend. Have fun guys... enjoy the otter while you can... before us Tecumseh folk steal it back! :PPbbbbbt!:P


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Glad to hear that everything is fine and that people were just making a mountain out of a molehill.

Really!!! I think the airplane will be back sooner than later wich is bad for us down in FL :(

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K, I motion to have this thread killed, all is good at the Cloud's Edge.



Glad to hear that everything is fine and that people were just making a mountain out of a molehill.

Really!!! I think the airplane will be back sooner than later wich is bad for us down in FL :(

You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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