
Premature Deployment

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Paid a packer to pack my gear. The same one who always does.

Checked my gear before putting it on.

Got a gear check before going out the door by the guy who happens to be the rigger at my DZ.

Did not touch my hackey other then to know where it was before going out the door.(and no I did not pull on it at all.)

Did not bump anything going out the door.

Solo exit into a sit.

just past 6000' something hits my hand I look and see my pilot-chute just as I get slammed in full sit.

Has this happened to anyone? It rocked my world, almost knocked me unconscious (vision went dark for a few seconds) and now my traps, lats, and ribs hurt like I got hit by a semi.

My neptune reads 165 mph seconds before deployment and I jumpa 230 Hornet. SO I know why I got slammed by the deployment. Thank God my canopy did not blow apart.

I had the riggers look at the gear to see if the pilot pouch was too loose/torn/worn and noone found anything wrong.

This was not my first sit with this rig. (In fact all of my sits have been on this rig,) This never happened before and I cannot come up with one thing I did differently.

Any suggestions? (I am aware that anything said would be speculation, but anything from anyone who experienced this that might help me prevent it from happening again would be helpful.)

Honestly, I have chalked up to "One of the freaky things that can happen that make this sport what it is." Based on what I know and what I remember and the conversations I've had this seems the likely thing.

I am kind of freaked out by it though. I did not jump today because of the winds being to unpredictable and the pain in my body. But I am not sure if that is the whole reason . . . if you know what I mean:S.

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Never had one come out in freefall. I've had it snake out most of the way in the plane but only when I had a leg mount. My pouch had also lost a lot of elasticity. I changed to a BOC and check it everytime right before I go out the door. Sorry to hear about your episode.

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Can you post a pic of your BOC while your PC is packed in there?

What is the DOM on your container?

Is there any bridal exposure?

Do you have a decorative handle on your PC? One that is bigger than the normal leather handle?

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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I know exactly how it felt !!!

in 1999 I was borrowing a friends rig while waiting for my new one to show up, on a freefly with a friend from Richland I had the unfortunate experience of seeing my pilot chute fly right by my right hand followed by the bag and lines which caught under my legs, the opening was quite brutal, I had back pain for a few days --- and the line burns/bruses on the back of my legs was Very painfullB|.

On the ground we figured out that the main -135 triathlon was smaller than the rig was made for, so the spandex pouch didnt have the tension it should have, so freeflying in it was stupid.....

It sucks that the riggers didnt find the answer.... could just be a one time thing--- or not.....

Glad to hear your in one piece.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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happened twice. Different gear (owned by friends), few jumps, stand both times.

The only thing about the gear I remember that was similar was they both had main flaps that came out in freefly (this was '99). The gear was probably made '95ish. Both sets of gear were ok at the time, but not freefly friendly by today's standards. It was probably a combination of a lot of little things, but never nailed down exactly what it was. After a couple of mods to each container, it never happened again. I think I'm a couple of inches shorter though.
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I will try to post a pic. I have to borrow a buddie's camera so it will be a while.

DOM - 99 - Mirage

The hackey is no different than any I have ever seen. Size is the same.

As far as bridal exposure, only the half inch or so from the pouch to the flap where it gets tucked.

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Hi, I just watched a video today that my home dropzone made and there was a clip that showed someone in a sit and it deployed on him.. the pilot chute even came up and in front of his right arm somehow. It deployed with his arm up and around both risors. He was ok thank god, and I'm glad you are too.

I would guess it got snagged on something just enough to make it hang out a lil bit either in the plane or in the air, or the elastic is wearing out and it is not tight enough to hold the pilot chute secure at that high of a speed. I also double check the handle before exit.. to make sure it is just right.

It may also help to try different ways to pack the pilot chute so that the fabric at the opening of the pouch is less. The majority of the pilot chute being further back in the pouch will help it stay there in the air. Make sure your bridle is nice and tucked away too..


Blue Skies,


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I think GravityGirl might be on the right track. Did the rig originally have a leg pocket and get converted to BOC? If so is there any velcro between the BOC pocket and where the bridle tucks under the container flap?
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From what I have read I assume you have no bridle cover ie. to put the bridle under from the topmost flap to the BOC pouch (or near as possible). Without this the air can catch the bridle and gradually pull the PC out. As you were solo there was no one there to see it, so you wouldnt have noticed.

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I had a premature in a sit at 8,000' last year, turns out that the BOC had lost alot of its elasticity and that the pilot chute being used was smaller than the pilot chute that had previously been used in the same rig. Kicked my ass, then I packed a few tandems and I was out of comission the next day.

I believe that before you freefly you should make sure that:

A: the pilot chute is nice and tight in the BOC.

B: there is very little (if any) bridle exposure between the main closing flap and the BOC. -- a rigger may be able to cook something up for you here.

C: Your riser cover flaps and pin cover flaps are nice and tight.

Someone with more experience please confirm or deny my opinion. I only have 150'ish jumps (most freefly ahemmm attempts). But I have seen alot of gear and what can happen to loose stuff in freefall.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Are you sure the PC went by before the bag? Your pin may have slipped out releasing the bag which in turn would either give you a horseshoe mal or in this case pull the PC out too.

This is what happened to me but flat and stable. I felt the bag leave my back and went to pull the PC immediately but it was already out and going by my arm and hand. Lucky it didn't wrap around my wrist. So maybe your closing loop is too long??? Just a thought...
Green Light
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Well I really doubt that your PC came out first if it sits nice and snug in there. Wind pressure from the sit position can push the bottom of the container up and change how tight the bag sits in it. The pin could have popped out and then pulled your PC out with it. Which by the way is a good thing. I would check the pin and closing loop. Also make sure the pin is all the way in the loop before you close. Have a rigger look at how tight the pin is before you close. Then push up on the bottom of the container and see what happens to the pin and loop. Does it get looser?
Green Light
"Harry, why did you land all the way out there? Nobody else landed out there."
"Your statement answered your question."

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