
Be afraid...be very afraid

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Can't do the accuracy meet- C or D license since it's at the airport.

Maybe we should have a mini meet on Sunday for the newer jumpers.. over at the East field....

Just be sure to watch the "experts" at the airport on Saturday...learn by watching.... it could be VERRRRRRY ihnformative..like my landing in the centr of the peas last night...:S

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Yeah, I think us A and B licenced jumpers are getting the short end of things. Just like the accuracy meet, the sunset load last night left us out of it. If you wanted to do the cross country, you had to have a C or D to do it because they planned it to land at the airport. Let's plan some cool things at the east field for once!


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As long as I don't have to land out with you.:P

Shit, I can't remember that quote from you on the bus yesterday.

I landed out because my partner on the jump did. So it was the nice thing to do. And the ground looked safe there (which it turned out to be). Also, he had the video camera, ergo he had my video. I could hardly watch him land out 1,500 feet below me, then wait for him to walk back by himself so I could ask him for a copy!

The quote: "The thing about skydiving is you can't drink before doing it, but you can do flips." (For everyone who wasn't there, this goes on the tail end of the conversation about frontflips in freefall making me dizzy.)


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