Student Wingloading

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Each person has a different progression when it comes to canopy control. Your best source for such information: Your jump masters! I am still not 1:1 and I have my own gear. It completely depends on skill level, and a steady progression for some is the best bet. Speak to people who have seen you fly and know your skills. I say, all in due time...:)
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I agree. . .the best people to ask is your instructors. I am a student working towards my A. I am flying a 240 and loading it at .67 to 1. I am just starting to stand up my landings and may downsize next time at the DZ, but I am purchasing my own gear (used) that will have me at a wing loading of .76 to 1 (a Sabre 210). Lots of room to downsize in the container I am purchasing but just enough canopy for me. Don't want to progress too fast. . .better to stay safe. . .
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The answer to the question you asked varies widely depending on whom you're speaking to, what DZ they're at, etc. Personally I'm already jumping 1:1 at 8 total jumps (3 at 1:1), my JMs put me on the canopy, they don't think I'll kill myself with it, others disagree.

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With your jump #s you should be talking to your instructors. They are the only ones that know what your ready for. When I went though IAF I went 280,250,then 210. I would assume that your DZ will do something simular, although I hate to "ass-u&me"! It may take 10 jumps or 40 jumps, all depending on your skills. However long it takes its all goodB|
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Many student progressions have jumpers at 1.1 or 1.2 at the end of their progression - 20 jumps. I presume your are not in such a program.

There is no number at which point it becomes "safe" to preform a rapid downsize. In fact, it is never safe to radically downsize by jumping from a big canopy to a small one. No matter what experience level, it is always important to downsize one canopy size at a time.

What does this mean for you? Well, you didn't explain much about your experience, so we don't know some basic things like if you're still in a student progression, or if you've got your 'A' license, or maybe have just done one solo jump....

What I can tell you is how things work around here, where a student will do their first jump on a very large canopy, maybe 280 square feet. Generally a student will do three jumps on each canopy, progressing one size smaller every two or three jumps. The student is only allowed to downsize if they properly display the proper skills on each jump. Additionally, as the jumper approached a 1:0 wingloading they do more and more jumps at each level. Later in the progression the decision to downsize is largely based upon the jumpers comfort level with their current canopy.

There is no "goal" or "ideal" wingloading for new jumpers. Some recent grads will be adept at canopy piloting and will be comfortable with a 1.1 or even 1.2 wingloading. Others will choose to settle in at a .8 or .9.

Whats important for you is a good understanding of what your skills are, and an understanding that downsizing is not to be rushed. Even if your DZ doesn't have a lot of different student gear, there are options available... Many gear manufacturers will allow you to "demo" a canopy for a weekend, so that you can request a different canopy each weekend, progressing one size smaller each week.

Be careful, choose wisely, but most importantly have fun.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Ya, I didn't go into my experience because it was more of a hypothetical question, I'm in no hurry to run out and buy a rig. I just want to get my A this summer. I asked more out of curiosity of how I can expect to move from the 280's down to something around 200. My dz only has 1 size of student canopy as far as I know, so if I were to buy a rig next winter assuming I have my A by then I would be facing the choice of a rapid downsize or buying a bunch of canopies, which I can't afford. Anyway I know about talking to instructors, I was simply curious about the process.
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I know how you feel... I started at a DZ where all the student canopies were 280 square feet (raven 4) and I was left high and dry when it came time for me to buy something for myself - I had no frame of reference for what is appropriate.

What I did, is I happened to take a new job in a new city which took me to a new DZ where they had a good range of canopies for me to use. This probably won't work for you.

What you will be able to do is ask around your DZ, there's probably a bunch of people who went through this exact same thing as you're about to go through, only they did it a year ago. Frequently there's "post-student" gear hanging around a DZ that's been owned by a handull of jumpers and gets passed down to people just off student status. People use that gear for a while before buying something smaller.

The most dificult part is going to be finding a container/reserve/aad for you to use. Once you do that, then getting demos from the manufacturers is easy, and you can easily swap the different mains into your borrowed container, jump a different main each week.

Ask around at your DZ about what gear is available. Even though the DZ might not own appropriate post-student gear, certain somebody who jumps there does, and I'm sure they'll let you jump it.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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As stated above it depends on the person. I have 15 jumps and I am just starting to fly a 210 spectre loaded at about 1:19:1 I went through AFF on a 280 then to a 240 for a couple, then a 220 for two more. I just bought a rig and followed my instructors advice. So far I am happy as can be and having a blast. I dont see me downsizing any more for at least a year. Luckily my DZ has a few sizes to try out and get used to aside from the 280sq-ft bus we all use during aff. Good luck with it!

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