
Not loosing skills in the winter months

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Just wondering if any one could let me in on some tricks or exercises that I could do in the skydiving off season (that is about 8 months here) to help maintain some semblance of skill or muscle memory to avoid the start of each season feeling like my first jump again.

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excellent suggestions, though I live in the longitudinal center of canada (no tunnel), and lack the means to travell in the winter (in school). I was thinking more along the lines of something that I could do at home. Thanx for the reply to this obscure question.;)

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How many jumps do you have? The longer the brake and the less jumps you have, it will feel like your first jump. But you'll get that old feeling back in no time.

IMO there really isn't much you can do to copy skydiving if you are not going to go to a tunnel. I think the only thing you can do is metal exercises. Lay on the floor and practice your arch and your awareness as to how to do your turns and move forward.

It's like asking someone how you stay in practice for riding a bike when you don't have a bike to practice on:S
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Safe freefall will probably come right back to you... I had a 10 month layoff at around 21 jumps and safe stable, belly freefall was easy.

plenty of anxiety on that jump though, expect jitters, and landing will be thrilling...

During the layoff I practiced landings using any 'down' escalator i could find to try to stay up on height/sight picture for landings--

If you have your own equipment, put it on and practice EP's--- if no equiment, mentally practice EP's.

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A mid winter trip to a southern DZ or windtunnel would probably do the trick.;)

I could not agree more. That's no different than any of us down south taking ski trips up north. Seriously, book a flight to Perris, Eloy, or Orlando (for any of the Florida DZ's) and keep your skills honed by actually jumping. Better yet, hook yourself up with any number of fellow countrymen and accompany them on their "invasions". You will meet many new people along the way.


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Read old skydiving magazines.
Watch skydiving videos, better yet, watch instructional videos.
Read the owner's manual for your rig.Inspect your gear and write down any frays that should be pointed out to your rigger.
Start reading PIM1, PIM2, etc in preparation for the coaching course you will attend in the spring.
invite an old skydiver out for dinner and "no shit, thought I was gonna die" stories. Every time he/she slows down, buy him/her another beer and ask him another question.

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