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It was a porter that collided w/ another aircraft in March 2002, at Marana. Mr. Timmons

The Folker almost crashed as is went into an inverted spin, but the pilots managed to recover the plane before it crashed. REALLY amazing video.

No other info on the wing bending otter, except that the pilot was supposedly out of the army within a couple weeks.
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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The Folker almost crashed as is went into an inverted spin, but the pilots managed to recover the plane before it crashed. REALLY amazing video.

-It never came close to crashing. The pilots recovered the aircraft completely by about 6000 FT AGL.

-It never got into a spin. The wing stalled, it rolled upside down, then pitched over into a dive which the pilots pulled it out of.

-I was, shall we say, an aerial eyewitness.

"And that's all I got to say about that" -F. Gump, 1990
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-It never came close to crashing. The pilots recovered the aircraft completely by about 6000 FT AGL.

-It never got into a spin. The wing stalled, it rolled upside down, then pitched over into a dive which the pilots pulled it out of.

Folker didn't believe that the plane did what it did and was able to be recovered in one piece. They wanted proof that it had actually happened. By their data, it was impossible to recover the plane. Maybe not close to the ground but by all standards it was close to going in. I know I'd be pooping in my pants....

If you look the FAA definition of a stall and spin it is:
Stall Defined:A stall is a loss of lift and increase in drag that occurs when an aircraft is flown at an angle of attack greater than the angle for maximum lift. Failure to recover from a stall may result in a spin or secondary stall. All spins are preceded by at least a partial stall of one wing.
So technically, the Folkker did spin, it just never got around.

Where were you in the AC? I'm still amazed that it didn't go in. I talked to KB about it and he was telling me about being on the inside of the plane and managing to get out of the door. I bet that had to be a memorable moment in you skydiving career. :o

Blue ones
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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Folker didn't believe that the plane did what it did and was able to be recovered in one piece.

I remember talking to one of the pilots afterward, and he quoted me all of the "over-speed" numbers the aircraft went through. They grounded it and gave it a thorough going over, and it passed with flying colors.


Where were you in the AC?

Front floating the left door.
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I have never seen the video.

John, you should take time to watch it. It is absolutely amazing. It's a white knuckle video. If you get a chance ask KB about the blue toilet water in the plane. You'll get a laugh out of that. :P

Do you know if that Folkker is still flying?
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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Is it the kind of thing you'd feel comfortable sharing to the big wide world?

Naaah. I'm not gonna go ask my old teammate to dig out an old video and burn it to digital format so I can post it here for everyone to revisit hairy incidents from my ancient history.

My descriptions will have to do.
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i want to see the video... stop being lazy and post it!

This reply can't be pointed at bob.dino, since he's the one who asked to have it posted to begin with. Therefore, it must be pointed at me.


1) I don't have the video,


2) It ain't about laziness, it's about lack of interest.

I don't WANT to post it.

Clear enough?
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John, you should simply inform droquette if he wants to see the video, all he has to do is join the Army, go to the GK tryouts, make the team, and he'll see the video at the Yuma safety brief. It's all pretty simpleB|
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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