
just a few questions..

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Hello everyone... could anybody answer me some of my questions??
thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

-how many height do u lose on opening of a student parachute?? like how long does it take to open approximately? what does it depends on? packing?

-what is the real minimum height for cutaway that will put u back to Earth-alive? where about is 'the boundary' where u should try and land a chute with a broken line or something...

- i have a bit of trouble with completing the flare and i believe a bit of wind helps a lot with landing.... is there any tricks for landing in no wind? :)

-for downwind or crosswind landing.... do u always have to PLF?

-being on aff level 4 i must say that i rely A LOT on my radio and instructor for landing and stuff... if u had to do it on my own i guess i would be shit scared... but if everyone learned hope i would learn that one soon too
-also.... how do u stop an unintentional spin in freefall? i tried my best but i couldn't ? :(

i know i have too many questions.... but thanks a lot to everyone on advice :)


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-how many height do u lose on opening of a student parachute?? like how long does it take to open approximately? what does it depends on? packing?

A lot will depend on the wingloading, density altitude, location, overall size of canopy, style of canopy, weight, body position, speed of the skydiver at deployment time etc, etc, etc. But a student canopy is going to eat up less altitude opening than something like my canopy would. My canopy eats up altitude faster than you'd believe. Learn the gear you jump, but also don't forget. It's a parachute, it wants to open!!! We just never said it would open on heading or anything like that. ;)


-what is the real minimum height for cutaway that will put u back to Earth-alive? where about is 'the boundary' where u should try and land a chute with a broken line or something...

This is not an easy question to answer without risking getting flamed here. It's a personal thing. But one must know their limits and experience levels before one tries to really test what you're asking. For sure, know where you're going to land by the time you're 1000 feet AGL under canopy. Don't be one of those people who got messed up thinking they could make it back, or don't be one of those people who tried to recover from a canopy malfunction that wasn't recoverable. Trust your reserve. Learn how to use it. Learn your gear. It's a parachute. It wants to open!!!


- i have a bit of trouble with completing the flare and i believe a bit of wind helps a lot with landing.... is there any tricks for landing in no wind? :)

You already know the answer. Learn how to complete your flares. If your gear is really preventing yourself from doing this, then get new, more modern gear. But learning to complete your flare is the key to any nice landing. Of course we never said this stuff was easy.


-for downwind or crosswind landing.... do u always have to PLF?

I like to execute something similar to a baseball slide when I'm hauling ass going too fast to run it out. It's not the perfect method, but it does save my spine. PLFs have their time and their place. PLFs are necessary when you're coming towards the ground vertically. But sliding is a good method to learn (please don't try this method until you build more experience in the sport) when you're hauling ass horizontally across the ground. Just watch out with your spine. You don't want to come down too hard on that. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Wow! it sounds like you learning to fly yourself and have no instructor:o CoolB|

Actually these question should be adressed to your instructor first, espetially this one:

-what is the real minimum height for cutaway that will put u back to Earth-alive? where about is 'the boundary' where u should try and land a chute with a broken line or something...


-being on aff level 4 i must say that i rely A LOT on my radio and instructor for landing and stuff... if u had to do it on my own i guess i would be shit scared... but if everyone learned hope i would learn that one soon too

Well may be without radio? when landing will be completly on your plan from opening to flare you'll make it better;) I was confused with radio and my first good landing was on my 3rd jump when I was landed about 1.5 km out from DZ and had to plan pattern and flare myself:)

-also.... how do u stop an unintentional spin in freefall? i tried my best but i couldn't ? :(

By relaxing, Arching, check arms, check legs (most problems was during lack of leg awarness).

Blue skyes! soonest graduation and a lot of safe & fun jumps!;)
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Well may be without radio? when landing will be completly on your plan from opening to flare you'll make it better ;) I was confused with radio and my first good landing was on my 3rd jump when I was landed about 1.5 km out from DZ and had to plan pattern and flare myself :)
hehe kinda like me except i did have 2 pretty good landings before but my third was all on my own avoiding power lines, fences and bushes etc. that was quite scary lol

your spinning in freefall, thats funny so did i, have you jumped more than once in a day? i span really bad but as soon as i did 2 jumps in 1 day i cracked it, no spins!!

blue skies and have fun!!:D

if you wanna see the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain

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sounds like i'm jumping with no instructors around me... he he funny but that's what i tought as well :)
when i was spinning and had no idea how to fix it after a few attempts all i did is i watched my instructor(when he was in front of me... and that was 100 times in a second, ha ha ha) trying to catch me... he looked worried but i was hopeless . . . . . :D:D:D:D:D:D
so i pulled at 6000, not 4000.. i never really told him why i did it (and it was to make his life a bit easier) :)

can;t finish flare because i guess i need to build up a little my arms

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