
My first jump for the record books!

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So today my buddy and myself went to Free Fall Adventures in southern Jersey for our first tandem jumps. We had just so happend to be so lucky that Red Bull was sponsoring FFA's attempt to shatter the record for most tandem jumps in one day.

Our experience was awesome. The crew at FFA was outstanding, they made us feel comfortable and did everything they could to cater to our needs.

After we were given our instructions and paired up with our instructors we jumped from about 14,000k and it was unreal. I had never experienced anything of that nature in my whole life, and I couldnt believe the manuevers the videographer was doing around me.

I am definately going to take AFF classes but I am not sure when the appropriate time for me to take them because I dont have the funds to drop on all new gear. How can a student get into the sport with out having to drop thousands?. Any advice? How did you all work your way into the sport?

And yes from what I have heard FFA did break the record with 406 tandem jumps in one day.

I cant wait to get more into the sport!!


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I am definately going to take AFF classes but I am not sure when the appropriate time for me to take them because I dont have the funds to drop on all new gear. How can a student get into the sport with out having to drop thousands?. Any advice? How did you all work your way into the sport?

Hello and welcome to the addiction!

You do not need your own gear to take aff or even once you finish it. During AFF gear rental is included in your jump price and afterwards, gear rental is available from the DZ at around $30 (depending on your DZ).

I am a recent AFF grad (now 23 jumps) working towards my A and i rent now, once i am on a bit of a smaller canopy im going to buy a used rig, no sense to now.

Good luck with your training! I jump at Skydive Jersey Shore by the way, nice DZ to learn at, small dz and excelllent instructors!

What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you?
Throw your pilot chute in defense!

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I am definately going to take AFF classes but I am not sure when the appropriate time for me to take them because I dont have the funds to drop on all new gear. How can a student get into the sport with out having to drop thousands?. Any advice? How did you all work your way into the sport?

I started as a college student with a part-time job. I stopped partying, stopped eating fast food, stopped spending any money that I didn't have to spend. It still took me a while to finish my student training and save up for gear (about 9 months). The fact is, training to your A-license and gear will cost several thousand dollars minimum, although you can spend much, much more.

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If you are already addicted after one jump you have been bitten hard my friend. It only gets better (or worse depending on how you look at it). You picked a very festive day to discover Cross Keys with the Red Bull event. I am surprised you even got to make a jump on such a busy day. Oh, and by the way, it was 407 tandems. : )

While everyday is not as festive the rush is ALWAYS there. I would suggest applying for a low rate credit card because you will carry a balance on this one...THEN jump your ass off. You only live once and this is a lifetime experience you will never forget. Paying as you go and going slow will get you there but I don't recommend it. However, if you must, you must. Good luck in your decision. See you at the drop zone.

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