
Female camera flyers - your sport needs you!

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Cameraflying is fantastic.

I agree wholeheartedly :)
And it's cawesome to see that there are women out there who are rocking it from behind the lense, i'd just like to see more and more of them getting into it!

I look at big, bulky guys like myself having to wear huge wings to stay with tandems and really working above that four way, then i look at the girls running around the dz and think, wow, they actually have the perfect build for camera.

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Yeah we do our own at my home dz as well, i must say i really enjoy it, when i have actually have the time to sit down and enjoy that is. Props to you on your tandem rating, you're much braver than i am! :)

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Cameraflying is fantastic.

I look at big, bulky guys like myself having to wear huge wings to stay with tandems and really working above that four way, then i look at the girls running around the dz and think, wow, they actually have the perfect build for camera.

I'd love to be at your dz! We seem to all have frigging big-boy tandem masters and big-boy tandem students - I'm hoping I can only have to wear 10-14 lbs of lead to stay down! I'm REALLY REALLY confident I'll never need a wing suit here to video tandems!

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I'd love to be at your dz! We seem to all have frigging big-boy tandem masters and big-boy tandem students - I'm hoping I can only have to wear 10-14 lbs of lead to stay down! I'm REALLY REALLY confident I'll never need a wing suit here to video tandems!

Isn't Austin, TX the fattest city in the USA?

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I do fly camera occasionally on tracking or freefly jumps and get some pretty good footage. There are 2 things that stop me doing it more:

I don't really understand the editing software, I could do with having it explained.

It hurts my neck if I jump camera too many times in a day (although I am seeing an osteopath at the moment so maybe this won't always be true).

I know a few other girls who have jumped camera and had the same problems with their neck, maybe this is why there aren't so many...


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I was browsing through the WM2006 website and noticed that while there are a fair amount of female teams, very few have female camera flyers, why do you think that is? Are girls just not interested in doing camera?

A part of the reason is the ridiclous rules that ALLOW a male camera flyer on an all female team.

Personally I don't think there needs to be a special category of competition just for women because I feel that women can compete in this sport just as well as men. HOWEVER, if there is going to be a WOMEN'S category . . . hey . . . the camera flyer IS part of the team and if it's going to be an all woman team, let's make the teams all women.

As for other female camera flyers on DZ.com, have you seen the Jump for the Cause calendar? I could swear there was at least one female camera flyer featured.

Stop making sense Quade, logic isnt allowed in gender issues..
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